Chapter 2

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My hand ran over my face as I checked the time on my phone "Eric it's 1 can you show me around now!?" I pleaded.

I was bored and getting slightly aggravated sitting in the house. 2 hours ago Eric told me we'd go outside, but that turned into a 2 hour wait. "Man come on you always bugging, you cant sit down for nothing."

A shrug left my shoulders, I didn't care what he said as long as we got out of this house. After Duddah slipped his white Air Force One's on we were out the door. The cool September air settled on my skin, the sun shown brightly.

A few kids sat on their front porches playing with toys and sticks or whatever they could get there hands on. "C'mon Liyah." I followed Eric down the street heading towards a light brick house. A few boys were standing around outside the door.

We walked up to the porch a few eyes scanning over me, "Wassup Eric." A few people shook up with my brother as I stood awkwardly in the back ground.

"Whoa who is this fine specimen?"

A chuckle escaped my lips "My sister so keeps your eyes eye level, I don't wanna see them drop." Eric spoke.

"Will this is Aaliyah, Aaliyah...Will" Eric introduced us.

Will gave me a head nod "Aaliyah this is Dillyn but he prefers Troy. " I wiggled my fingers in a greeting type manner at Troy.

"That's Demarcus." Demarcus looked up from his phone and eyed me slightly, my cheeks flushed red.

He stuffed his phone in his pocket "So this is the infamous Aaliyah. Man yo brother don't never shut up talking about you. "

A smile plastered my lips "Duddah a fool dont pay him no mind."

The boys started to laugh, my eyebrows creased confused at what they were laughing at. "Liyah shut the hell up."

"Why what I do?" I pouted genuinely confused.

Troy started coughing out of his fit of laughter "DUDDAH?" He hollered.

Eric turned his head rubbing his neck "Look she been calling me that since she could talk so shut up damn!"

I covered my mouth "I'm sorry Eric-"

Eric waved a dismissive hand at me "Whatever. Just try not to call me that round them."

Demarcus looked between me and Eric "Yeah Duddahh!!"

I felt a little embarrassed now that I had embarrassed my brother in front of his friends. So I tried dismissing myself from the awkwardness of the conversation. "Um is there a bathroom inside?"

While Eric, Will, and Demarcus were arguing, Will turned his attention to me "Yeah the bathroom is inside, the one down stairs is probably being used by my sister she just ran in to use it as well. But there is one upstairs to your right."

"Okay Thank you." I turned away and could feel the hole Eric was burning into my back.

As I made it inside it seemed a little warmer, I could smell food in the kitchen cooking. I crept upstairs and looked down the hall cautious of where I was going. He didn't say how far to go down there were like 4 rooms up here.

I looked to my right and saw the first door, so I reached for it and just as I reached for it, it swung open, a boy around 6 foot stood peering down at me. His chocolate brown eyes darkening "Umm Umm-"

"Who the fuck are you?"

My eyes wandered the floor as I looked back up at the boy "Umm Im Eric's sister Aaliyah I-I was trying to find the bathroom."

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