The Bare Minimum - Gallavich

Start from the beginning

Mickey grinned, biting his lip as she shook his head. "That right?"

"No, but I'm thinking maybe it should have been," he said.

"What are you some sort of fucking pick up artist?" Mickey asked.

"Actually I'm a model," he said with a shrug.

"Oh well don't let me keep you from your big photo shoot," Mickey said, taking a small step around him.

"At least let me compensate you for the coffee," Ian said. "You know, on a later date maybe?"

"You don't quit, do you?"

"Not usually."

Mickey smiled again, ripping a corner off one of the pages in his scrapbook and fishing out a pencil to write his number with.

He handed it to Ian who smiled, popping it in his pants pocket. "I'll be sure to send you a message and let you know when I'm free to compensate you that coffee!" he called after him.

"If you're gonna be a jackass I just won't reply!" Mickey called and he could feel Ian watching him as he walked away.

Somehow being yelled at by his lecturer seemed to be far less intimidating than he though.

It's not like he gave out his number to random guys often, but they didn't usually show up and act so interested. Maybe that was because he never left his dorm room and when he did he was usually sitting around somewhere with his sketchpad out and completely oblivious to everything around him.

Still, if guys who looked like him were going to start showing an interest he might have to get out more.

He was in his last class for the day, his favourite one. It was less cramming useless information down his throat and more actually getting to do what he came to college for.

Practical Drawing, in other words: use up the better quality equipment that the school provides instead of wasting his own.

Granted, the first few weeks were boring, sketching things like fruit bowls and trying to draw from a 2D image but it was getting better, this week the topic was the human body.

Mickey sat in class with the chairs and easel's arranged in a semi-circle, he was sharpening up his pencils as his tutor, Ms Hockerman, walked in.

She was a tiny woman, only coming up to Mickey's shoulders, she wore giant spectacles and was always flitting about from person to person. She reminded Mickey of Edna from the Incredibles.

"Okay everyone, find your seats!" she chirped and Mickey just rolled his eyes as he tried to subtly drop the mess from his sharpener on the floor. "We have two full hours to use today, and use them wisely! I will be collecting some samples of your work to evaluate and compare with last week's, and I will be checking to see that you have used some of the techniques from our lectures, Hurley I'm talking to you!"

Mickey grinned because that guy was perpetually stoned and usually just drew pictures of whatever shit he was thinking of. The guy was gifted but he was going to be in this place taking the same classes for at least ten years.

"Alright so as we know this week for our study of the human body we have a live model, oh that sounds so morbid, as if we have cadavers lying around every other week... anyway! Everyone please make him welcome."

Mickey heard the footsteps as he walked into the room. There was an armchair in the centre of the room and a small pedestal for the guy to sit and stand in different poses over the course of the class.

Mickey couldn't think of anything worse than being a nude model and having fifteen to twenty people staring intently at you and drawing your junk. He didn't mind doing the drawing because usually these guys aren't too hard on the eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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