Chapter one

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Obsidian's PoV

I was laying on my bed, my hair dangling from one end, my feet from the other. I was planning on not doing anything that day but fate, quite obviously, thought otherwise as I heard a knock on my door, before my cousin, Draco Abraxas Malfoy came bounding in.
"Did you get your letter?" He asked waving a few pieces of parchment in his hand. Of course I knew what he was on about, the Hogwarts letters were coming out all that week.
"When did you get here and where is Scorpius?"I ask in shock as my cousin and his family were not meant to be here for another week or so.
"Just there now. I have not even the slightest fathom of where Scorpius is. Now would you answer my question," he replies.
"Of course I did,"I reply pointing to a small pile of papers on my mahogany desk, on top of which an envelope ,sealed with the Hogwarts emblem, was perched,"After all unlike you I have been showing my magical potential ever since I was born."
"Just because you are a metamorphagus and can do wandless Magic does not mean you are any better at magic than me, baby cousin. Anyway, I'm taller and can also do wandless incase you are forgetting.
"Need I remind you that I am only one month and three days younger than you, and until recently have been taller. Which I could always change if I wanted to," I protest, glaring at him, I felt a small surge go through me and knew that I was possibly a few seconds away from hurting my cousin.
"Whatever," he replied, brushing off my remark," so do you want to go to Diagon Alley, to buy our school supplies, today? Just to get a bit of a head start on shopping, after all the later we leave it the more the muggle borns will be teeming it," he questions.
At the mention of shopping I calmed down a bit. It meant that I could spend hours searching through the muggle fiction section of Flourishes and Blotts. Although my family was pure blood, and had been rather involved with the Dark Lord during both of the wizarding wars, they were not against muggle-borns. Still, I knew that if Voldemort would return, that my family would no doubt fight for his side, as that was expected of us.
"Yeah, we should go to Diagon Alley today. Just let me get ready," I respond.
"Right well be quick Obsidian, because our parents will no doubt want to take pictures for the photo albums" he says sarcastically as he leaves my room.
I scan my vast wardrobe, before my eyes settle upon a pale blue, denim shirt and white, floral skirt, which I quickly slip on. I pick up a pair of brown combat boots and leather jacket . I take my letter into my hands and break the wax seal, which until that point had laid untouched. I silently read the first page to myself, smiling uncontrollably. Once I had read it, what I had deemed an adamant amount of times, I let out a small squeal of excitement before putting on a calm face and leaving the room.
"Hey Scorp," I say seeing my younger cousin alone in the sitting room.
"Hey Obvs, did you get your letter?" He quizzed.
"Right here," I say waving the letter in my hands.
"I can not wait until I get mine," he replies, saddened slightly.
"Hey, come on, chin up buttercup. After all it is only a few more years until it is your turn, and then you can join your idiot of a brother and I at Hogwarts,"I say positively.
"Yeah can I see your letter? Draco would not let me anywhere near his. He is treating it more importantly than his broomstick," he states.
"Sure," I say tossing it to him," make sure you give it back to me before we get to  Diagon Alley though."
"Thanks Obvs." He calls as I make my way to the kitchen in search of some breakfast.
"Hey Uncle Draco, Aunt Astoria,"I say as I enter the room, seeing the majority of my family congregated together.
"Obsidian, I am not your uncle I am your cousin," he joked," do I need to remind you every time we visit?"
"No but you are the same age as my mum, therefore it feels strange to call you my cousin whereas it feels normal to call you my uncle," I reply to him.
"Fine," he says loosing the argument yet again, "did you get you letter?"
"Yeah," I answer, for the third time that day,"Will we be going to Diagon Alley today?"
"I don't see why not," my mother, Delphinus Lyra Lestrange, replied ,"go get your list and then we can go."
I left the room and headed towards the foyer finding Scorpius reading it avidly.
"Hey Scorp can I have my letter back? I need it to read the list of school supplies," I ask him. He hands it back over hesitatingly, as though him handing back the letter would mean he himself would never go to Hogwarts. Our family members walked out of the kitchen, unfortunately holding a camera. I inwardly sighed at the thought of being in photos, as I much preferred the idea of taking them. "Mum,," I start as they were about to start taking photos,"we do not have time for a photo shoot. After all we do want to have all of our shopping done today."
"Oh come on Obsidian," my mum, replied," it will only be a few minutes."
"No mum," I say as I scan over the list deciding an order of the shops I would go to, as well as the best way for Draco and I to get everything in as little time as possible.
"Okay then,"she said sighing, knowing that it is a lost cause to get me to reconsider.
"Thanks mum," I say turning towards Draco,"Right, so I have worked out a schedule for us then," I say to Draco who immediately groans,
"Must you always do this?" He questions.
"Yes, actually I do," I snidely remark," so the best way to do this would be if you went and got us our potions and astronomy equipment whilst I will get us our books. Then at about one, we can meet up at Madame Malkins to get our robes and everything else."
"Fine then let's just go, control freak," he says muttering the last part, whilst he steps into the fire place.
"I am not a control freak,"
I respond but it was lost as he had already gone through the flu network without my realising. I grab a handful of flu powder myself and step into the fire place, following my cousin.

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