Task One- Prophecy Of the Gods

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Task One- Create your own twist to the tale and write a backstory

“What should we do about this?” the Queen murmured nervously. “The oldest fairy in Aerosdale will die – and on the day of when our daughter will be born too. It is said that when a person of royal birth is born on the day of when the oldest fairy dies, she will have bad luck.”

            “Nonsense,” the king replied. “That is only a superstition. Now come along. Alana has requested to see us one last time before she dies.”

            The queen shook her head. “It is going to be something bad. I know it.”

            Nevertheless, the king managed to convince the queen to visit the old fairy. When they reached there, the fairy beckoned to them with a gnarled finger, gesturing for them to come closer to her bed and listen. As they came closer, something flashed in her eyes. An emotion somewhat like sympathy, but then, suddenly, it vanished, and her face became harder, as if they deserved the fate of whatever she was going to tell them.

            So the royal couple scooted closer, eager to hear the important secret that Alana had to tell them before she died.

            In a raspy voice and labored breaths, she told them of a prophecy of the gods about their soon-to-be-daughter, Amalia.

            “On the day that you invited many people to celebrate your daughter’s birth –“ She coughed suddenly, the sound echoing off the walls .

            “ – you forgot to pray to the gods and give them offerings for giving you such a pure, clean, beautiful child –“

            She began coughing again, and the king and queen felt impatient, wanting for her to finish it, but respect for her current situation held them back, and they waited for her to continue.

            “ – and they have cursed your first and only child. She will die at the age of sixteen after a single bite from a vampire –“

            Her chest heaved from the effort of talking so much, but she continued in a raspy breath, knowing that she didn’t have much time left.

            “ – However, since you have shown the fairies so much kindness for the past years during your reign, we have nullified the curse. Our power cannot match that of the gods of course, but we have changed it a little. Upon being bitten by a vampire, she will fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years instead.”

            The king and queen looked at each other, their fear as obvious as the sun’s rays of light piercing through the shadows.

            “The gods . . . They do not usually give punishments like this. There must be something to it . . . a lesson . . .”

            She began coughing, her wings fluttering weakly on her back. “. . .must learn –“

            Her head rolled back and her eyes became milky. She was dead.

            Soon after their daughter’s birth, the king and queen ordered that she was to never be let outside the palace grounds, and to be guarded all day long. She was to never be told about the existence of vampires and to be kept away from the war between them. Everything was done to ensure that she would never be bitten. But the power of humans cannot match that of the gods and fairies. The prophecy would be fulfilled, whether they liked it or not.

Sixteen years later, Amalia was busy spying through the garden hedge as she usually did. She had always wanted to explore the city, maybe even travel a bit, but for some reason, her parents had never let her. And Amalia, understanding that they had a reason for that, accepted it and simply lived her life in the palace and caught whatever glimpses she might be able to catch.

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