The Thief's Revenge - Ch 33 [greetings and salutations]

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I felt a load of pressure lighten of my chest. It was mostly still there, the agony of being apart from Liam, but somehow having a friend, a female friend that I could talk to, enhanced my mood. She patted the chair beside her.

"You and me, we have to catch up," she told me with a serious face and then gave Luke a devious smile. "I'm sorry if you wanted to join us but this is girl talk. Unless you want to know all about my love life with Fletcher -"

The door slammed shut, Luke on the other side. I walked over to Moro and sat next to her. "You seem to have changed..." I smirked.

"Yeah, I've been living with Fletch, who pretty much thinks he's boss. I kept thinking, 'how did Kayli manage to live with this guy for those years and yet remain his equal?'... And so I developed this attitude and he can't order me around anymore." She smiled with narrowed eyes. "I make sure he's not kept disappointed." She chuckled.

I slapped her on the arm. "No, that is so not right! You are not allowed to talk about what goes on between you and Fletch. I don't want to hear it!"

She flashed a toothy grin. "Fine. Let's talk about your love life instead."

"Um, what?" I said nervously. Liam's glorious face popped into my mind. Followed by his hauntingly sad look that I had glimpsed at the airport.

"Oh my gosh! You've so fallen in love!"

I looked at the ground, because I was blushing, but stuck my middle finger up at her. "I don't remember you being this gossipy either. Surely you didn't pick that up from me?"

She laughed throatily. "Are you kidding me? Why do you think I started hacking? You get a lot of goss that way!"

I groaned and pushed my hand through my hair. "I miss the quiet Moro."

She poked my arm. "You aren't going to change the subject that easily, Kay. Tell me, who?! Who?!"

I shook my head. "No one." The biggest lie I'd ever told. And I'd told great whoppers.

She pouted. "I miss the 'I-don't-give-a-crap' Kayli. If it was the old you, you would have told me without fear."

"Yeah, well, I have a reason to fear telling you, Moro," I said bluntly. It was up to her whether she took it seriously or not. Unfortunately for me, she was intelligent enough to know that I was telling the truth.

"Geez, that just makes me even more curious. You didn't get some kind of Stockholm syndrome with that LASER agent did you?"

Eep. She managed to hit the nail on the head first go. I mustered all of my acting ability and gave her a scornful look. "No!" I exclaimed disgustedly. "Me? Fall in love with an agent? Impossible!" Sorry Liam, I added silently.

She changed mood swiftly, looking instantly concerned. "Fletch said he told you about him. Actually, I only found out recently as well."

"Wait a minute." I gave her a stern look. "Are you telling me that in the last few hours Fletch had the time to have a chat with you but he couldn't be bothered getting me out of the airport?"

She folded her arms. "He told Luke were to fetch you from. It's not his fault that you went wandering out to that bus stop."

"Oh, so I was supposed to wait with Liam then was I?"

She grimaced. "Okay, so he's not so great at thinking things through."

"Nah, you got that right." After saying Liam's name aloud I felt that pang in my heart and felt immediately depressed. Morgan noticed my drooping head.

"Hey, you just got back from Aus, yeah? You should go sleep in one of the guest rooms."

"Hmm, yeah, I suppose." I levered myself out of the chair.

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