Everything is Blue: IV

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If I knew what time it was right now, I would forget a second later because Josie would probably shove another cup of something strong in my hand that I didn't know the name of. For the first hour I was here, I sat at the bar watching Josie dance as I ordered beers even though it started to make my stomach hurt. But after a while, she came over, ordered a row of shots and somehow convinced me to drink them. And that's how I found myself in the center of the club, dancing around strange people with Josie's hands around my waist.

If I could feel my head right now, it would probably be pounding. I'd consumed so much alcohol in the past two hours that even if I did drink all the time, I would still be puking everything up right now. The popcorn from the movies, the soda I had, the coffee from the cafe that Corrie kept pouring me...and I could even taste the drag of Valerie's cigarette. I never pictured myself sitting alone in a bathroom stall, feeling sick with the nasty taste of vomit in my mouth, crying over a girl I thought I'd been over for a long time. Who am I kidding? I've never been over her.

If I wasn't drunk right now, I would have suggested me and Josie take a cab home, but she insisted that we walk to get some coffee and then go home. Some time along the way, we forgot about the coffee and just went straight home because we couldn't stop laughing at nothing even though every five minutes I would find time to start crying about Valerie. "She meant everything to me," I would say.

If I was in my right mind, sober, not depressed and knew how to stand up straight on my own two feet, I would not have stumbled into our dorm room feeling like the world was spinning. I would not have collapsed in bed, watch Josie fall onto hers and then decide that maybe it was a good idea to go join her.

If I wanted to try and get over Valerie, it wouldn't be by doing something like this.


There's this distinct, nasty taste in my mouth that I didn't like. It tasted like I'd fallen asleep without brushing my teeth after drinking five cups of coffee, times ten. I tried to open my eyes but I felt a layer of eye crust connecting my bottom and top lashes together. I rubbed my face vigorously, ridding the consequences of falling asleep while crying. I groaned and sat up in bed before I realized...I wasn't in my bed. I was in Josie's. I went to push her blankets off of my body but caused myself to fall out of bed, making friends with the floor. I stood up and held my arm, which I hit on the way down and then proceeded to hold my head as well because I'd gotten up too fast and I had a massive hangover. Josie walks through the door, carrying a tray of coffee, walks over to me and hands me a cup.

"Did you just wake up?" she asks, collecting her own cup of coffee and sitting down on her bed. I nodded and took a sip, my face scrunching up.

"Did you get me straight black coffee?" I set it down and found my own bed, crawling underneath my warm zebra printed blanket that I brought from home. She let out a sigh before nodding her head.

"It'll wake you up and get you going for the day," she explained but I didn't like the idea of getting out of bed. "How do you feel?"

"Bilious," I replied and groaned loudly, hiding my face in the mattress of my bed rather than in my pillow.

"Translation?" she looked at me confused and I threw an old stuffed animal I had next to me at her.

"I'm nauseous," I tried and she nodded now. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, which felt like seconds before opening them again, noticing that Josie was still sat facing towards me, but looking down at her coffee, seeming lost in her thoughts. "Josie?" she looked up at me now, her hazel eyes meeting mine. "Did something happen last night? Because I don't usually drink and I drank a lot and I can't even remember getting home."

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