She exhaled and opened up the door, standing behind it so he couldn't see. He walked in and she immediately closed the door behind him.

She shifted against the now closed door and was behind him.

"Okay, Kath, what's—" He turned around, his jaw dropped and a gasp escaped from his throat. "W-Wrong?!" His voice cracked as he tried to compose himself.

She buried her face in her hands. "I know, I know. I look different, this wasn't my idea!" she squealed.

"Was this why you were hiding?" Daniel asked, connecting her embarrassment to her refusal to allow him in.

"I had to come out eventually. But if I had the choice, I'd die before anyone saw me wearing this," Kathryn admitted.

He let out another cough and peered his eyes away. "You shouldn't have agreed if you weren't comfortable. Above anything else, that's more important."

"I didn't really have a choice," Kathryn sighed. "But here I am, about to make the most embarrassing photoshoot in my entire life."

She looked once again at the mirror. She could see her imperfections practically glowing. She could imagine what comments people would make. Even when she wrote "appropriately" deemed clothing, it still warranted snide comments in others' minds.

Daniel noticed. He maneuvered closer and handed her his jacket temporarily. She slipped it on and gave an appreciative smile.

"I guess the outfit isn't the problem as much as how you feel about wearing it, right?" Daniel asked.

Kathryn nodded. "I can't go out wearing this, I don't look like me—it's to revealing."

She couldn't back out either, she already made an agreement and it would be rude to get up and leave.

He pulled her into a hug, his arms slightly cold against her bare skin.

"I can't do this."

"Next time, no matter how hard it may seem—don't do something you aren't uncomfortable with. Right now, forget what others may say about it. I'll be right there next to the camera, don't forget that. Whenever you're nervous, look over and remember that I'm there," Daniel whispered.

"I don't want to keep you here longer than necessary," Kathryn whispered back.

"It's my own choice. Really all I was planing on doing was going home and watching the playoffs," Daniel said with a small chuckle at the end.

"Next time I'll be firmer," Kathryn promised.

"Not until you are ready. Though I have to say, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all turned on one bit," he said in a low voice.

"DJ!" She shrieked under her breath.

"You really do look good in anything," he complimented with a wink.

She rolled her eyes, trying to contain her embarrassment. She thought of her earlier question; how can she look and act seductive when she still blushed like a teenager over things like this?

"Well, we are dating,"

He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"You are incredibly corny," Kathryn said.

"But you like it," Daniel argued.

"I suppose it's sweet," Kathryn said with a shrug.

"I think suppose is an understatement," Daniel retorted as he wrapped an arm around Kathryn as they walked out.

Sure enough, he stayed. Though Kathryn could tell his earlier claim about being turned on was not false. She could see his eyes expand, and at one point he needed to get a glass of water.

She swore she'd tease him about it later since she liked turning the tables on him.

As soon as she finished, she immediately rushed into her dressing room followed by Daniel.

"So, how did you like it?" she asked, smirking.

He gave her a knowing look. "The truth or what you want to hear?"

"Start with the latter."

"It's part of the truth. I'm glad you were able to stick through with it even if it was hard. Now it's over with and you won't have to do it again if you don't want to," Daniel said.

"Now, what's the other part?" Kathryn asked.

"You looked sexy and I don't know how to feel about the photos being distributed across magazines and the internet," Daniel Padilla.

"Don't know how to feels means 'I don't want', right?" Kathryn said in a low voice. It was payback.

"You know me too well," said Daniel.

"You're my boyfriend, after all."

His lips curved into a smile as he wrapped his arms around her. "You're right, I am." He placed his hand under her chin and leaned in to a kiss.

Kathryn leaned against the table, her arms around his neck as his moved down to her bare waist.

"You have lipstick on your mouth," Kathryn said with giggle as soon as they pulled apart.

"Your blush is pretty strong, how much did they put?" He teased back.

She puffed her cheeks which prompted him to chuckle. And like an enzyme, she ended up laughing along.

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