Mylah:prodigy is that you

Prod:umm..who are you

Mylah:oh sorry i'm Deanna's friend she told me a lot about you

Prod:oh that's good

He turns around

Mylah:wait do you know were Deanna is


Deanna:i remember seing her around but I just don't remember


Mercedes:who is this girl your with

Ashley:his girlfriend

Julio:wait what about Deanna

Prod:i'm not-

Ashley:dating Deanna anymore

Mylah:you had a good girl on your hands Prodigy

Prodigy puts his head down

Ashley:come on prod let's go*kisses him on the cheek*

Deanna:*punches Ashley*

Ashley:what the hell was that for

They all take off their discuses


Deanna:i can't belive you

Prod:you acutely followed me,you can't trust.

Deanna:i obviously can't and I only came here because of her

Mylah:man prodigy you mest up

Jovante:what the hell bro that's not cool

Deanna:you know what prodigy it's over you could leave with your little bitch

Deanna runs out

Ray:man you mest up

Naomi:if I were big I would be beating you right know

Mylah:she get's that from her mom

Deanna's pov

I can't belive prodigy would do something like that I just kept running and crying until I bumped into some guy.

Deanna:oh i'm so sorry I didn't mean to

???:It's ok beautiful

Puts him hand out to help her up

Deanna:thanks, I'm Deanna

???:i'm Christopher but everyone calls me Lil Twist but Twist for short

Deanna:well nice to meet you..Twist

Twist:oh and why are you crying


She tells him the hole story and walks at the same time back at the apple store to get everyone

Mylah:Deanna are you ok we were looking for you and-

Naomi:who is this cutie

Deanna:Oh this is Twist my new friend


Naomi:i might look young but I have the mind of a 20 year old

Twist:oh really maybe you need to get a little older

Naomi:what ever I will get you one day

Twist:one day*laughs*

Ray:yeah she get's from here mom,nice to meet you i'm Ray

Twist:nice to meet you

Deanna introduces Twist to everyone

Mylah:anyway we have to go home and get Naomi ready for her first day of school

Jovante:and me too

Naomi:it's going to be fun

Everyone leaves but Deanna and Twist

Deanna:it was really nice meeting you

Twist:same for you,you want me to bring you home

Deanna:i don't know I might just go in a hotel Prodigy might be their with his girl packing up

Twist:you can come over at my place

Deanna:but I don't have any clothes

Twist:come on let's go get you some before the store closes it's all on me


They get Deanna pajamas and things for a couple of weeks

Deanna:alright let's go where is your car

Twist:over their*points to a range rover*

Deanna:dang that's nice


They go in the car and start driving

Twist:So tell me about yourself

Deanna:umm..well I love purple,domo,tacos,very energetic,i will beat someone's ass if they mess with me or my friends,and love to dance.what about you

Twist:i like to rap,i'm from Dallas,texas,i like...a lot of things*laugh*


They stop at his place and walk in

Deanna:you have a pretty nice place

Twist: thanks you hungry

Deanna:no i'm ok

Twist:you can go get dressed in my room i'll bedown here waiting for you

He puts on a Madea movie


Deanna's pov

I go up in his room and it was so nice his room was Blue and Red and he had a Queen sized bed,i got changed and went downstairs.

Twist: you wanna watch this with me


Twist:it's madea's family reunion

Deanna:oh this one is my favorite


Twist's pov

Man this girl is gorgeous I don't know why this nigga Prodigy did that to her,i'm going to make her mine, i realized she was falling asleep slowly on the couch, so I put her in my bed and went back downstairs and turned off the movie, and came and laydown next to her,and wraped my arms around her,i'm sure she wouldn't mind,i really like her friends they were crazy but in a good way,and that little girl Naomi, was joke and cute.

Twist falls asleep.


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