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4 years later (time jump sorry)
babe: jack! please come home something happened

me: on my way!

I ran into the house and saw Jr laying on the ground. I ran to him.

"what the hell happened!" I screamed

"we were just sitting here watching tv. I was feeding mason and boom someone came in and started punching and him and screaming some like 'where's my money' and shit" emma crying

"babe breathe. call the ambulance"

emma called the ambulance.


(Jr pov)
I don't know what's happening. wait is that me? Laying there wow I look good. but what's going on why is mom and dad crying and what's up with Alison. mason he's like I'm a baby. was I in a coma all I remember was someone punched the shit out of me.

yo there's the doctor.

"Is he gonna be alright."

"yes he is. it's probably gonna take a day until he wakes up. but he lost a lot of blood and were pumping blood in his system I think he's gonna wake up from that".

"that's great." dad said

I seriously thought of this and thought this would be a plot twist. this book flops

LOVE AT FIRST TOUCH TWO - JACK GILINSKY Where stories live. Discover now