Chapter 1

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Cheyennes POV
"Cheyenne, Laura lets go!" My mom yelled trying to wake us up. Today we are moving to Miami, Florida because my mom got a job there. My best friend Laura lives with us because when she was born her mother died at birth and that left her with her father who didn't have practice with kids, so he came over to my house to "hang out" with my dad who I haven't seen since then either and they both just left. So now it's just my mom, Laura,and I. I'm really excited to move because it is a new beginning for my little family, and then the memories of this house will remain no longer. I got up, took a shower and put my long blonde and brown hair into a side Dutch braid. Today I decided to wear Aeropostale high waisted shorts even though it was like 43 degrees in Wyoming, but I knew it would be warm in Miami. I also decided to put on a crop top that said "SWAG✌️" on it, and I slipped on my Nike roshes. Laura gets up and just throws on some above knee Nike pros and a tank top and just threw her hair up into a messy bun. We decided to go outside and we saw 3 boys that looks our age. I glanced over at the one that had brownish black hair and hazel eyes. He caught me looking at him and started walking towards me. Oh crap. He is cute. "Oh thanks gorgeous." He said. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked looking down at my shoes and the ground. "Um..yea but it's okay. Wait do you not know who I am?" He asked. "Um no, should I?" I asked. "Oh I'm just THE Hunter Rowland." He said cheesing really hard. "Oh well nice to meet you Hunter, you have a really nice smile and eyes that I love." I said covering my mouth just as I said it. I look over to Laura and see her talking to a blonde boy with blue eyes. He was cute but I think I like Hunter more. "Your lips are so kissable." Hunter said whispering hoping I didn't hear. "What was that loverboy?" I asked. "Oh nothing." He said and he stared in my eyes and started leaning in I couldn't help it so I did too and before I know it our lips connected.

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