Morning Glory

920 27 8

Imagine Person A waking up before Person B. They notice Person B is still asleep, and that it's still rather early in the morning. Person A holds Person B's hand and kisses their nose before going back to sleep.

Danny's eyes shot open and his body lurched violently, causing the bed to jolt and his head to collide with the solid wooden headboard. He winced with the sharp pain and took in a loud breath at the shock. He dreamt he was being chased into darkness, running for what seemed like hours, bellowing for help with no avail, until he tripped and lurched back into reality. He shook his head at the classic nature of his nightmare and rolled over.

To his right, Jessica lay sound asleep, seemingly undisturbed by the commotion. The alarm clock over her shoulder read 5:08 AM, they had another hour and fifty two minutes before it would scream at them to wake and begin their working days. Danny pushed the covers back and walked nude across the spacious bedroom. He parted the curtains and opened the window to a crack, standing in full view of the city and absorbing the scene. The early commuters had started their days with briefcases and flasks in hand and marched with assurance down Fifth Avenue. The sky was clear and the sun was rising, it was going to be a beautiful day.

Danny had been spending a considerable amount of school nights at the Greenwich Village apartment thanks to the beautiful blonde snoozing soundly behind him. He had slowly transferred so many of his possessions to this side of town that an outsider would consider them close to living together. And they wouldn't be far from wrong, though neither party were ready to voice their wishes in relation to the matter just yet.

He drew the curtains and made his way back to bed, taking care not to make too much of a disturbance. Jessica had cocooned herself in the flat sheet having kicked her side of the duvet to the bottom of the bed. The thin, white material clung to her body, tucking in at her waist and revealing the alluring curve of her hips. Her lips were slightly parted, resulting in a wet circular patch of saliva on her powdery blue pillowcase. Her hair was tangled and spread on the pillow around her head. Her breathing was slow and gentle and Danny was relieved to see she was sleeping peacefully once more. He lifted the sheet gently, moved his body closer to hers and found her hand, softly cradling her latent palm in his and stroking the smooth skin.

"I love you so much I don't know what to do," his tender whisper bristled with his morning husk.

Jessica continued to sleep, serenely unaware of Danny's declaration. He inched closer and kissed her eyelids, her nose, her mouth, both cheeks, with tender care and overwhelming love. He thought about waking her slowly and gently devouring her as they listened to the city burst into life around them. But the fact that she was finally managing to sleep through the night, after an abnormal few weeks of restlessness, halted his carnal fantasies and he decided to save them for another morning.

So he lay on the same pillow as the woman he loved, stroking his thumb back and forth across her hand and allowed her even breaths to lull him back to sleep.

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