Chapter eight

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Kobras PoV

After spending the chilled night on the side of a dilapidated road, I wake up chilled and unsettled. I feel bad about today. Blasta is just rousing, and her eyes are confused in the morning light. She suddenly sits up, staring at the expanse of desert infront of us. Then I realise what her eyes have fallen upon. Scarecrow.

"I'm sorry blasta" I begin "I couldn't drive anymore. We can go soon so you don't have to look at it" she shrugs in response.

"I'm driving. Swap seats" she demands, tying on her silk mask. I oblige, and she immediately speeds off. Straight toward scarecrow.

"What the hell?" I practically shout, wishing she'd tell me her crazy plans before acting them out.

"I can't ignore it forever. The place is going down"

"Jesus Christ! You have to plan these things. You can't just bust in to a 90 storey building with a half full Ray gun against an army of 900" she knows I'm being reasonable but I think she's beyond sense right know.

"I can and I will. Fuck them. I'll take them down or die trying." She hesitates "ya with me or not"

She already knows my answer and hits the accelerator, climbing up to 130 mph.

Party's PoV

"Party?" I hear franks voice and look up "their heading strait to scarecrow"
I jump up and stare at the tracker over my best friends shoulder.

"What the fuck?" I sigh "jet get in the car we found them"

Blastas PoV

We're at the doors to the building now, guns in arms and hearts in mouths. I fire the first shot, directly into the glass doors and dracs swarm out like bees and a burning hive.

Within minutes my ray gun is empty. And Kobras had about a shot left. He looks at me, a strange look in his eye. His hand folds into mine and I feel a small weight as he lets go. It's an 5b38, a weapon disguised as a matchbox, capable of blowing an island.

His eyes meet Mine "we kill them or die trying"

Jets PoV
We reach scarecrow to see blasta gunless and Kobra throwing his to the floor. The next few moments pass like still lives.

The dracs begin to close in, God the whole building is outside. Even the guys in monkey suits.

They kiss, blasta holding up her arm

Oh god is that what I think it is?

Fuck it is and she's squeezed it

Noise, like the earth has cracked open

The building falling.

The fire, the ash. The screams.

Party, on his knees screaming out his brothers name. Shaking in franks arms.

Skeletons. Everywhere

More screams. "Mikey"

The smell of death. I'm shaking now.

One final defeated sigh. "Oh my god mikey"

Silence, the deadening kind, that fills your soul with black shit and the tight lungs and the end of your heartbeat. Almost the end of time.

Only the ground floor is left, and a mechanical voice rings out.

"Ten seconds until self destruct of underground floors"

And I swear to god party has gone deaf because he's running toward his brothers skeleton, us running behind.

"Five seconds until self destruct of underground floors"

Now it's frank "Gerard get out of here"

But he's deaf to the word, crying out for his brother.

Then come the second explosions, the ground vibrates.

Gerard is ahead of us, and we watch in terror and guild and grief as he is thrown into the flames.

Frank who is just ahead, turns, trying to run but he's not fast enough. And oh god I can feel the heat now. My skin burns as I watch my last friend die and fall the the floor, accepting my fate.

So that's the end. It's shitty but I'm an asshole and I don't have the motivation to write this book so I wanted to give it the closure every book deserves. I might write a sequel, when I'm not hideously lacking in motivation, but someone will have to pester me for that so if you really want more that much feel free to pester me in my dms

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