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Naruto arrived at the bridge in his walking Shunshin. And saw even Kakashi there. He looked up and then said, "Your early Oji."

"I am yes." said Kakashi

Naruto had dropped his seal. He was now 15years old. His hair was in a tail with the bangs hanging down over his forehead protector. He wore a pair of skin tight black shinobi pants. A no sleeved black skin tight midriff shirt. With a white oversized knitted sweater over that. The sweater hung to his knees and off his shoulder. He also wore elbow length black corset style arm warmer fingerless gloves with a thumb hole. The white ribbon looked stained with blood. He wore white calf high shinobi sandals that looked covered in blood too. Even the white sweater they saw lokked splattered with blood. His hai-ate cloth was the same way.

Kakashi said, "Did you get your clothes like that or did you kick someone's ass?"

"Bought this way. Anko-chan's idea. Less likely for a client to notice bloodstains if my clothes already look splattered with it." said Naruto smiling

"True. So then the sandaime filled us in on your secrets. They know about Kyuubi." said Kakashi

"Are you dropping me or keeping me? Don't do so out of family duty or duty to Father being your sensei either. If you don't want me then say so and I'll go inform Anko-chan and we'll become team Misfit since no one wants either of us as teammates." said Naruto

"I'm keeping you. After everything we heard yesterday I'd be a fool to let you go." said Kakashi, "So who says we take a C-rank today?"

Naruto said, "I don't mind a C-rank. Beats these chores we been doing for lazy worms."

Sasuke snorted and said, "Nice one."

Naruto smiled and said, "But if we are taking a C-rank then Sasuke is changing. I found these for you while i was shopping with Anko. There similar to your Uchiha clothes but not enough for an enmy to instantly know your an Uchiha. Also you gotta wear your fan else where cause it'll get you blinded if you advertise it. Kaiden-sensei used to say, see a fan aim for the eyes. So i got these made for you. There the same as my own and the last one is up to sensei really."

Sasuke took the offered things and said, "Thank you. Give me a second to change then we'll go get our mission."

When he came back he wore a pair of baggy black pants, red sweat bands, and a blue zip up shirt that had a flared coller and was only zipped up breast high. He wore black shinobi sandals that were past his ankles but not to his calfs. In his left ear he had an Uchiha fan and an Uzu swirl.

Kakashi said, "What was the other one?"

Sasuke held it up showing a hoop with the Hatake symbol on it and Kakashi said, "Go ahead and wear it. Your my nephew I'm not about to tell you no."

Sasuke put it in his left ear below the Uzu swirl. Naruto said, "Now we match cept i got one more than you."

Naruto held out one to sakura and said, "Want one? Its not the Hatake clan symbol but it does say you belong to him. Its his personal symbol."

Kakashi snorted and said, "My pack has it on their vests."

Sakura took it and added it in and said, "Now we are all Kakashi's."

Kakashi smiled and Naruto tossed Kakashi three and said, "Same three as Sasuke. Your an Uzu so wear it with pride. And your a Hatake you shouldn't hide it."

Sasuke said, "And your an Uchiha go ahead maybe it'll piss father off."

That made em laugh and Kakashi said, "Yep i am so wearing the fan out of spite."

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