Chapter 3: Idle Tuesday

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Dedicated to perksofbeingaweirdo. She's an amazing author! And she ships Zarry, one of my favorite bromances in 1D (besides Narry of course). Just thought I'd throw that out there :)

I wasn't usually a clumsy person, but lately every door jam and corner of the counter made contact with me in some way. By the end of the week, I was nursing several stubbed toes, a door-jammed finger, and a rather painful hip collision. I suppose it didn't help matters when I tripped, attempting to avoid Ty's skateboard, and massacred my wrist on the wire frame protruding from my unfinished fireball statue.

Speaking of the statue, it was coming along brilliantly, despite my rather misfortunate week of injuries. I had a few more finishing touches to put on it before I began painting it. The fireball would be all sorts of colors...hues of orange, red, brown, and yellow.

Anyways, once I finished the statue, I planned to sell it. My job at the cafe had finally ended, thankfully, and I was on my way towards changing my stars.

I couldn't locate Simon's old number and even I highly doubted that it was the same after all this time, so I opened up my old twitter account for the first time in five years. Funny how I could remember the damn password yet I couldn't remember the blasted number.

I sent a message to him and afterwards, I scrolled through all the old mentions and tweets. It was a bit depressing seeing all of the fans' disappointment. For the first time since X Factor, I realized that I did a little bit more than let the boys, my family, and Simon down.

Alright, a little was an understatement.

In that moment, I couldn't help but feel as if I had failed all of them. I quit on them because I was scared. Scared. How could I have been so stupid? I didn't listen to my heart. I listened to my bloody brain.

Before I could think any further on the matter, hot tears were streaming down my face.

What had I done?

Sure I didn't regret being an artist, but what I left behind was irreplaceable. Ty was right. It was a hobby...and I was just an idiot. A has-been. Well, he didn't say that, but I knew it was implyed anyways.

Through twitter I stalked the rest of the boys. I usually didn't like to creep on anyone...okay I never did, but this was the exception. Browsing around on their personal accounts for a total of two hours, I gathered quite a lot of information about them.

Harry, who had turned into quite the hipster, resided here in London. From the multiple videos and pictures, I gathered that Lou Teasdale and Nick Grimshaw were his best friends. What surprised me a lot was that Harry, who had a considerable amount of talent back in the old days of the show, did not pursue a singing career either. Instead, he was a hair stylist. A chuckle escaped my lips when I read that he owned a shop called "Styled Styles".

Louis went pro with Manchester United's football team. I didn't have to read too far into his latest tweets to realize that he had, if at all possible, gotten sassier than before. He was rude as well. I spotted a few conversations between him and Harry, leading me to believe that they probably still saw each other fairly often. I didn't see anything else other than the fact that he had recently gotten back together with his long-time girlfriend, Eleanor Calder.

Niall, happily married to London's very own weather woman, Casey Horan, also resided in London. I was reassured of my previous beliefs that he would go far. The guy had ambition. According to a tweet almost two months ago, he had successfully finished law school and a month before that, his son Patrick had just reached 6 months of age.

Lastly, Liam, the one who was probably the most angry with me, proceeded to release three solo albums that were highly successful. He married a girl named Danielle Peazer, had a dog for pete's sake, and lived in a mansion just outside of London.

Five DirectionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora