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"I'm home!!" Reba called out, there was no answer just a bunch of clamoring from the kitchen. "Narvel?" She said peering in from the dining room table, which was set with the good china and a nice table cloth. "Yeah honey, I'm in here!" She heard Narvel's voice from the kitchen "OUCH!". "What are you doin'?!" She asked putting her hands on her hips. He was covered in flour and something was burning. "Umm.. I was gonna make dinner" he said looking around at his mess. "I see..." She tip-toed to get a better view of the stove. "And.. What is it?" She asked confused. "Well I was gonna make tacos..." He said. "Yuuumm!" She exclaimed "want some help? I'll make the beans!" She winked at him.

10 minutes later they were both covered in taco sauce and flour (they were making their own tortillas) "You got some right there" Reba pointed at Narvel's face. "Did I get it?" He said wiping at his jaw. "No not quite, darlin'" "now?" He tried again. "Nope" "you get it then!" He said, frustrated. "Ok" she leaned in towards him and kissed him "I love you" she said and she kissed him again"Did you get it?" He said as he kissed her back. "I think so" she winked

Reba took the food out to the table while Narvel grabbed sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, ect.. "Hey honey you want a beer?" He called from the fridge. "NARVEL!!!!" She hollered "Sorry! I forgot!" He yelled back. "YOU FORGOT! FORGOT? YOU FORGOT YOU DID THIS?!?!?" She walked in pointing to her stomach. "Calm down, it's only been a couple weeks can't I make one mistake?" He said trying to cool her down. "One mistake? No you can't make ANY mistakes!! This is our child! It's a no mistake zone!!!" "I'm sorry, red" he said wrapping her in a hug. This pregnancy had taken her fiery temper to another level! "I know I'm sorry too I didn't mean to lash out at you like that" she she wrapped her arms around the his muscular chest, "I'm just so scared, I don't want to mess this up!" She cried into his shirt. "Oh red everything will be fine, just wait, you'll see!" He said stroking her flaming red hair "You are going to be a wonderful mother to this baby, he knelt down and put his hand over her stomach. She smiled with a tear in her eye, "And you're gonna be a great father!"

"Those were delicious!" Reba said as she finished her last taco. "Yes and mighty fine beans there missy!" Narvel said in a fake accent, she just rolled her eyes at him. "So what do you wanna do now?" Narvel asked. "A movie sounds nice" Reba answered after pondering the question. "Okay you go pick one out, I'll clean up here" Narvel replied.

5 minutes later they were cuddled up on the couch watching a John Wayne movie. During the credits Narvel started kissing the back of Reba's head and eventually neck till she turned around and kissed him back, they sat there lost in each other till the tape started buzzing at them. Reba got a couple inches from Narvel's face and said, "Want to take me up stairs?" With out further questioning he carefully picked her up and carried her up the flight of stairs.

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