#38 Not Alone

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Have you ever felt alone?

So down, hopeless,

That you think no one cares.

I have,

I know what it feels like.

To feel alone,

That you are worthless,

And that you are a waste of space and time.

Like you are nothing,

But that's not true.

You are something,

A human being,

A person.

You matter,

No matter how much you think otherwise.

There are people that care,

That can,

And are willing help.

You may not believe me,

But what I say is the truth.

A friend,

A neighbor,

A stranger.

There are people out there that care,

About you and your feelings.

You may not know them,

Or see them,

But they are out there.

They can help,

But only if you let them.

I wrote this to let you all know,

All the people that have felt like this,

That there is someone who cares.

If you disagree that's fine,

But that doesn't change the truth.

But you must know,

However you may feel,

That You Are Not Alone.

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