Protect (xScout)

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---Author's Note---

Requested and idea by servalXcaracal!

Wow, it's been a while since I last wrote about Scout! Here we go!


You smiled and waved as you ran up to your best friend.

Both of you had been friends since, well, forever! Your mothers were best friends with each other and you both naturally grew closer.

Andy's brows were furrowed as he watched you come closer.

"(Y/n)! I told ya not to-"

Too late.

You tripped on the sidewalk, but thankfully you managed to pull yourself together before falling down.

"Whoa! Almost fell down there!"

You smiled up to a very upset Andy.

"(Y/n)! Be careful! What if ya fell down and hurt yourself?"

You smiled and tapped his forhead lightly.

"Annnddy~ It's fine. I fall down all the time! You know that"

Andy blushed at your touch and looked away, mumbling.

"Whatever.. let's just grab somethin' to eat"

You chattered away, and you both walked down to both of your usual haunt.

You took a table near the window and Andy handed you the menu.

"I already picked out what I wanted to eat outside. Go ahead and choose"

You smiled and looked through the menu.

"They all look so good..!"

Your eyes lit up and you stared at the menu as if it were some kind of beautiful painting of some sort. Andy couldn't help but smile at your adorable looks.

And the men besides your table also couldn't seem to help themselves either.

They started wolf whistling and making kissy faces at you, but you were just too absorbed in the menu to pay attention.

Andy of course, noticed this.

He angrily whispered over, trying to make sure you didn't notice anything.

"Hey! Cut dat out!"

The men just smirked and ignored him, and poured their attention at you.

Andy gave a glare, and you put down the menu gleaming.

"I want to get some Pancakes!"

Andy stared at you in disbelief.

"(Y/n), you said you had pancakes for breakfast. And dinner last nig-"


Andy rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I'll order the pancakes. Go take care of dat smear on your face in the restroom"

You quickly touched your face.

"I have a smear on my face?!"

With that, you ran off.

After making sure you were completely out of sight, Andy walked over to the next table with a dark look.

"Alright you bozos, we're taking dis outside"


When you came back to your table, Andy was out of breath and had a small bruise on his right cheek.

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