6 0 초 면 충 분 한 Story

Start from the beginning

"leave because i'm a bastard."

"stay because you won't have a valentine this month."

"leave because i'm a bastard anyway."

sehun will roll his eyes at the childish display, momentarily forgetting the suitcase beside him, recalling everything worth recalling. and a few minutes later when jongin is down to the last petal, it will say; leave because i'm a bastard. and even though jongin will avoid making eye contact with sehun because he's sure sehun will walk away, sehun will do the opposite and bend down to plant a kiss on jongin's lips.

and this. this. this kiss will remain rooted to jongin's incisors and will only wither years and years and years later when their hair will be as white as snow coating the ground.


two years later, there will be two roommates. their fate will be intertwined in the strings of connections and their need for financial support because it's not easy to live in a nice place in a nice area of the city. there will be luhan and kris. the singer and the math teacher. there will be weeks of trying to get used to each other, mornings of 'where the fuck did you put my mug, you overgrown bastard?', evenings of 'if you're going out, don't forget to bring your keys. luhan, we both know i'm not sacrificing a few seconds of sleep just to open the door for you. i never did.'

"yeah and that's why my ass is practically frozen." luhan will mumble while glaring at kris as he rubs his eyes. he will swear it's not cute even though somewhere in his heart, he knows it is. (especially when kris runs a hand through those lustrous blonde locks that luhan can just write an essay about).

with his eyes widening in disbelief and mouth shaped in an 'o', kris will walk behind luhan and smack his butt. "ass? where?"

darkening shades of red will taint luhan's pale cheeks, bringing out kris's favorite color in the entire universe. why else would he take delight in teasing his baby-faced house-mate? "i hate you! go rot in hell where satan can drill his pitchfork into your 'ass' because according to you, i don't have one so i must be safe." luhan will proclaim and go back to the confines of his room, cursing kris from head to toe. he will not mean it. and kris will make sure luhan doesn't.

and of course, there will be secrets they would only keep to themselves. such as:

kris will tiptoe until he's in front of the bathroom every morning. he will do this every six forty-eight when luhan is showering while singing some songs. those songs will be about 'history' and more often than kris would like, they would also be about luhan's mother who's shooting anonymous people. (now, kris doesn't want to get involved in any sort of violent activity but sometimes, he will swear it's just sometimes, he thinks that every word that glides out of luhan's mouth is honey).

and this will be luhan's little secret:

he will pretend to be amused with taking pictures of inanimate objects in their living room. a DSLR camera will be strapped from his neck as he clicks the seconds away. it will take kris three days to get used to it, to get comfortable to luhan's weird habit, even. so by then, luhan will position himself in front of a flower vase, pressing the shutter button down and capturing kris behind the flower vase. click, zoom, click, adjust, click, new angle, click. a week later, his camera's SD card will be full. no problem. they're of kris so they're worth the space: kris frowning. kris crinkling his nose. kris with glasses and eyes squinted over the small print of test papers. kris and his tongue slightly sticking out in concentration. kris drinking water.

over time, they'll learn to mold themselves around each other.

kris will double check by leaving a spare key under the welcome mat outside their door, just in case luhan forgets to bring his. in turn, luhan cooks kris's favorite dishes every weekend, as a reward for the devastating, tiring work days. and kris won't be sure what he loves more; the noodles or luhan's voice as he sings while setting the table. maybe it's a little bit of both. maybe it's both combined. either way, they will give him those tingly-tingly butterflies in his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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