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The alarm goes off at 05:00. I groan a bit but Chase needs it get up for PT. He's always been a fan of doing it in the morning. I get up and make him a light breakfast while he gets ready. He eats and I walk him to his truck.

"I love you. I'll see you later." I kiss him and he drives away.

I go get changed so I can find the gym on this base. I like to look good for my man. Chase has always lived my curvy figure and he says my butt is nice. I tie my long hair up into a high ponytail. I wear my tennis shoes as I walk to the gym.

When I get to the gym finally I put my headphones in and ignore all the guys. They don't intimidate me one bit but it hurts to wear my ring at the gym so I don't. Chase wishes I would I explained this several times to him.

After the gym I go home and shower and get ready. I clean the house and realize we have no groceries. Chase and I both like to go together so I think I'll wait until he's home as we can go together. I dig through my purse to find a snack, I do find some almonds.


"Honey." I call out when I get home. I walk to our room where I find Vanessa ironing.

"Hey babe. How was work? Do you wanna go grocery shopping? We have absolutely no food."

"Good. Yeah, let go now?"

She grabs her purse and starts to head out. "Umm excuse me." I tell her with my arms open. She hugs me and gives me a kiss. I slightly push her against the wall pinning her between it and I.

"Chase we have to go." She says as she keeps kissing me. I get a laugh because she's still kissing as she says we have to go.

"Ok let's get out of here."

We drive my truck to the commissary which our ten minute walk turned into a five minute drive. I jump of and run around the truck to open the door for my lady.

"Can I drive the shopping cart this time?" Vanessa asks.

"Sure. We both know what happened last time when I did it ." We both laugh thinking about when I knocked over a display. Oh gosh it was a nightmare.

"I made a list of the basics we need from here then we could always to it. " she smiles as we walk up and down aisles.

I throw some snack in for me like pop tarts and cookies. Vanessa always teases me when I throw in junk food like she's a mom and I'm the kids. We joke around a lot with each other. After we check out we head home and Vanessa makes dinner for us.

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