Reality Hurts .

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 This Book , Is Mostly Dedicated To My Nialler Fan . She's Abusolutely Lovely & Sweet . 

She's Amazing Aha xx & Shes A NIALL Girl So Of Course I'll Dedicate This Book To Her xx

( Jessie's POV )

Niall ? Yes Jess . He Blankly Said .

Whos Katherine I Say Holding Up His Phone ? And Why Is She Texting You Can't Wait To See You Tonight xxxxx (; Winky Face . Jess Before You Flip Out As Usual Let Me Explain . 

Im All Ears Niall Tell Me Whats Going On ? Well Jess You've Been My Best friend Since we were 4 . And Honestly We've Been In A Realtionship Since We Were 14 . Its Been 5 Long Years , And I Need A Break Jess . I Think We Need Some Space . 

I Couldn't Believe What He Was Saying The Tears Threatining To Drop . Its Like I Didn't Even Know Him Anymore . I Simply Just Went Into A Trance I Pinched Myself I Thought I Was In A Night Mare But No This Was Reality My Best Friend The Love Of My Life Was Leaving Me For Some Girl . But Its Fine . I Guess I Needed A Wake Up Call .

How Long Has This Been Niall I Quietly Said My Voice Barely Able To Speak Because I Had A Lump In My Throat But I Didn't Want To Cry In Front Of Him , I Wouldn't Give Him That Satisfaction .

A Month Now Jess , I'm Really Sorry . But Its Only Temporary . He Quietly Said I Could Tell He Was Nervous .

I Let Out A Sigh I Didn't Know I Was Holding , Niall Its Fine . I Have Nothing To Say To You . I Wish You The Best In Life Goodbye Niall Horan . I Quietly Said Letting A Tear Fall . 

SHIT I loudly Said , I Wasn't Wearing Waterproof Make Up So I Had Eyeliner And Mascara Running Down My Face As Well .

Jess , I Love You .... Im Sorry . I Really Am , I Just Wish I Could've Done It More Properly . He Said .

Niall You Don't Love Me And If You Did You Wouldn't Be Doing This To Me . And Done It Properly Niall Please Save The Bull . I Loudly Shouted At Him I Didn't Know I Was Shouting Until I Saw Him Flinch .

Jess ! Calm Down . Please Its Not Easy For Me Either . And Really You Don't Seem To Love Me As Much Either Because If You Did Why Are You Letting Me Go Easily ? I Shouted Back At Her .

Niall , I Do Love You With All My Heart And Im Letting You Go Because Its What You Wanted I Want The Best In Life For You Even If Its Not With Me , They Say If You Love Someone , Then Let Them Go If They Love You They'll Come Back . Bye Niall . I Said Wiping The Never Ending Tears Off My Face God I Look Like Shit . I Quickly Walked Out And Shut The Door . I Didn't Know How To Feel , Should I Be Angry ? Should I Be Sad ? Should I Feel Betrayed ? So Many Mixed Emotions So Many Thoughts Running Around My Head , I Just Lost The Boy I've Loved My Entire Life . And I Didn't Know How To Feel .

( Niall's POV )

What Have I Done ? Im The Biggest Idiot Alive . WHY ? Why did I Do this to her ? What Made Her Deserve This I Could See Her Holding Back Her Tears , I Could See Her Vouce Barely Able To Speak . I Could See The Look of Hurt Written All Over Her Face . She Really Did Love Me But Im An Idiot For Letting Her Go . But She Derserves Better . Better Than Me . I Quietly Cried But Then My Phone Beeped In My Pocket I Picked It Up Too Look At The Text 


Babe Whats Taking So Long ?? Is She Really That Desperate Why Cant She Accept Your Mine Babe Forget Her Be Here Before 9 I Love You xxxxxxxx ;)

I Threw My Phone Across The Room In Anger . I Ruined My Realatiosnship with jess over this girl . 

I Just Grew More And More Angry With Mysef By The Minute .

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