1- Glenn

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"Hey, you alive in there?"

I quickly lift my head up and it it aging the top of the small space and bolt over to the walkie and pick it up.

"Hello? Hello?" I ask desperately.

"Hey are you outside? Can you see me now?" I look around

"Yeah I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers, that's the bad news."

"Is there any good news?" I ask quickly.


"Whoever you are don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here."

"You should see from over here, you'd have a major freako."

"Got any advice for me?"

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it."

"That's it? Make a run for it?"

"You've got eyes on the outside here, my idea isn't as dumb as it sounds. There's one geek still on the tank, the rest have joined the....feeding frenzy with the horse. You with me so far?"

"So far."

"The other side of the tank is less crouded, if you move now you might still have a chance. Got any ammo?"

"In that duffle bag I dropped outside, and guns. Can I get to it?"

"Forget the bag! It's not an option. You have anything on you?"

"Hold on."

I look around and check the army man, then spot a hand granade. I check my handgun for bullets and bolt back to the walkie.

"Got a baretta, one clip, 15 rounds."

"Okay make them count, jump off the right side of the tank and keep going in that direction. There's an alley, 50 yards, be there."

"What's your name?"

"Have you been listening? You're running out of time."

I nod to myself and take a deep breath and push open the top tank opening, the one walker coming up to me but I punch it, letting it fall.

I jump off the tank and land on my feet, then start popping walkers left and right for a few yards, then I see a Asian boy.

"Woah, Not dead! C'mon! C'mon!" He turns around and runs down an alley and I follow suit.


I shoot a few geeks that manage to get through the small gap through the fence.

He climbed up a ladder and at that moment I run out of bullets.

"What are you doing?! C'mon!"

I snap out of it and throw myself up the ladder.

We make it up to a little ledge compartment.

"Nice work there, Clenece Wood. You the sheiff? Come here to clean up the town?"

"Not my intention."

"Whatever, yee-haw. Your still a dumbass."

"Nicole, thanks."

"Glenn, your welcome."

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