4. Blue over Brown

Start from the beginning

"Hm, interesting." Sam says, biting her lip and avoiding eye contact.

I laugh. Its a rare sight seeing Sam Puckett nervous and that's almost worth the pounding I'm probably going to receive for laughing at her twice in one day.

For some strange reason, I'm always in a good mood when I'm around Sam. It's like she just radiates positive energy. Which is weird because she happens to be one of the most negative people I've ever met. It's funny how life works. I guess opposites do attract. Well, at least for me. It's not like Sam would ever feel anything for the 'tech nerd'. I guess I'm just a sucker for unrequited love. Not that I love Sam. It's just a little hormonal crush.

Sam's POV

Crap!!! When did I become a giggling, hair-twirling mindless idiot! This is getting ridiculous! And why is he laughing at me?!!

"Benson." I growl. " You better have a good reason for laughing at me."

He smiles guiltily and says, "Oh, I do. But I can't tell you or you'll go all lioness on me and rip my face off."

I hold back my own laugh and ask, "Oh? And why would I do that?"

I glare as Freddie smiles impishly, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.

"Tell me."


"Tell me!"

Crickets chirping.

"Tell. Me. Now!"


So I tackle him and start beating on his chest, yelling at him to tell me the reason he had for laughing at me before I make sure he will never be able to laugh(or walk) ever again.

After a moment or so, I notice the fact that he's trying not to smile(and totally failing at it) and he looks incredibly nervous and fidgety.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing."

I'm about to start arguing again that its not nothing when I realize the position we're in. He's laying on his bed with me practically straddling him. Is he enjoying this? No wonder he's so fidgety.

"Okay. If you're not going to tell me, I guess I'll just leave." I say, beginning to lift myself up from his body.

"No!" He shouts, and then he does something that shocks the hell out of me. He grabs onto the top of my thighs, pulling me back down, and sits up to face me. This is no doubt the most intimate position we've ever been in. Hell, it's probably the most intimate position I've ever been in, period.

I mean, honestly, I'm not really a relationship type girl. The only guys I've really liked or dated were Jonah (spring of ninth grade), Pete (beginning of tenth grade), James(end of tenth) and Luke. Back in October, Carly tried setting me up. She thought I wasn't dating enough. He was seriously hot, but I'm not a big fan of blond hair and his brown eyes were kind of dull. They didn't sparkle or get that fire in them when the person they belonged to was spitting insults back and forth with me or standing up for what he believes in or defending his friends. Now those kind of brown eyes are worth something. I never got too physical with any of them though. Jonah and I kissed and made out a little, I frenched Pete but never sat in his lap, I frenched and heavily made out with James but it didn't do much for me, which was why I ended it, and I only kissed Luke once, as a goodnight kiss. Once was all it took to realize I just was not attracted to him. I had a few summer flings, but none of them ever went passed mild make outs and sexual dancing.

I feel my face heat up at our closeness.

"Um. You don't need to leave." He says looking nervous, probably thinking about what I'm going to do since he kind of unintentionally forced me into an extremely intimate position. Good. He should be scared. But he apparently isn't scared enough to move.

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