Casper- Arrival

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I was the first to knock at Allison's door except for Taylah. I stood at the door waiting for the girls to answer it. Although while I was standing there I was thinking about why we started school on a friday. Then I also realized that I only thought if I wore my thinker hat. And that I was the weirdest stupidest teenage boy EVER!
Taylah opened the door and she pulled me inside.
"Umm hi!" I said. I scratched the back of my head and walked up the stairs after Taylah.
Allison was munching on a cookie. "Oh......hi...chrasper."
"I'm sorry what did you just say?" I asked.
Allison gulped and shook her head, "I meant to say, hi Casper."
"But you said Chrasper." Taylah said.
"Okay well Chris and Casper are starting to look alike, sort of." Allison shrugged and put another cookie in her mouth.
"Really you think?" I asked sitting on the bed next to Allison. We heard the door and then 10 seconds later we heard footsteps.
Someone turned the knob and opened the door there stood Chris with a handful of cookies. "I saw there were cookies and I wanted them."
I stood up and grabbed one of the cookies and popped it in my mouth.
"Hey! I wanted that!" Chris yelled at me. Taylah leaned over and whispered to Allison and than she shouted "Yes!" I looked at Chris and he followed and than he shoved the rest of the cookies in my mouth and than he tackled me. I spit out the cookies and tried to push him off but he was to heavy.
"Man, you should lay off the cookies!" I said as a joke but then he said "You are the one that ate them all!" He said.
"You shoved them in my mouth!" I said trying to push him off again.
"Will you just kiss already!" A familiar female voice said for the door.
Chris and I looked over and we saw Mollie and Ethan said standing In the door with their arms crossed.
"Excuse you!" Chris said getting off of me. I was relieved because he really was heavy.
"Oh, come on! You know you want too, just look at his face!" Mollie said. Chris glanced at me and I felt myself blush a little before I pushed myself to my feet.
"Where is Savannah." Chris asked trying to change the subject from us.
" uh uh don't push away each other's love!" Taylah said putting her hand on her hips.
"It's true. It is super obvious." Ethan said speaking for the first time, winking at Allison.
Allison just stuffed another cookie in her mouth.
"But seriously where is Savannah?" Chris asked again.
"She is at her little sisters birthday party." Allison told Chris. "How was detention on the first day?" Allison than asked Mollie.
Mollie huffed, "it was super boring. No one was there and I had to read a history book!" Mollie said finally walking over to Allison's desk and sat down in the chair.
I was happy for those 2 minutes that no one was talking about me And Chris but then of course Taylah had to bring it back up.
"Why are we getting off topic about the two lover boys!" Taylah said excitingly.
My cheeks turned so pink and I'm sure Chris's did to but I didn't want to look because well I think everyone knows why.
I almost had to get up and leave the room, and I almost did but than Savannah walked in.
This was the happiest time I was to see Savannah and trust me there were a lot of times I loved to see her.
"What's happening. I just escaped my now 6 year old sisters birthday party, it was a nightmare."
"We were just saying how much Chris and Casper should be together." Taylah replied.
I blushed more. "Taylah." I said.
"What!" She asked.
"Umm well I just. Why do... I don't know. I just..... This is way off topic of the.... Club.... now that all of our gang is here..... We can ummm you know see when we can start it." I asked stuttering trying to convince everyone that we need to talk about the club instead of my relationship.
I mean I could very easily embarrass all of my friends well except for Savannah and Mollie, they just could not express their feelings. I could have easily embarrassed Ethan because of his huge crush on Ally, but I would not do that because Ethan is super nice and he hasn't embarrassed me yet so. I mean but know I am uncertain about my feelings. Like seriously.
"Okay fine! But we are coming back to this later!" Taylah said.
"Okay great!" Chris said standing up and walking towards the door, " I am going to get more cookies, because someone ate all of them!" Chris said giving me a quick glare and darted off downstairs.
I stood up as well, "I have to go to the bathroom I will be back."
"Yeah to get your feelings together!" Savannah said and I pushed her towards the bed and all I saw was Allison spitting out her cookie and Savannah falling on top of her.
I walked I to the bathroom and I really have to go. I just stood and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair wasn't as flat as it normally was and so I flattened it and opened the door but once I walked out I ran into something. Nope I was wrong not something, someone. And of course it had to have been Chris.
"Man come on. Stop making me drop my cookies!" Chris complained scrambling to pick them up.
"I'll help you." I said getting on my knees to get the cookies. I got up to walk towards Ally's room And then Chris jumped to get the last cookie and I tripped over his arm and fell on my face. Then I heard laughing and looked up and saw Ethan crossing his arms almost dying of laughter. "Look I won't tell the girls but you better get in there!" Ethan said.
"Ok!" I said jumping to my feet but because I was tall I hit my head on the sloped ceiling. Now Ethan was on the ground laughing so hard he probably could have killed himself falling down the steps.
Chris stomped up the steps holding his cookies.I helped Ethan up and we walked to Ally's room. I walked in and Mollie looked at me. "What took you guys so long!" She complained.
"I'm sorry I well umm I hit my head on the wall." I said not telling the entire truth but telling what they needed to know.
"Oh really?" Mollie said raising an eyebrow suspiciously.
"Ok you know what! How would you feel if I tried to make you get together with one of your best friends that you might or might not like! How would you feel!" I snapped.
"Casper. I'm sorry." Mollie said putting her head down. They probably were, I never got mad. Like ever.
"Woah. " Chris said still in shock on what I said.
I didn't wait for the rest of the reactions and left Allison's room and left towards home.

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