The Memories

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Chapter 19: The Memories

*Jen's P.O.V.*

"What do you mean Jen? We're your friends." This was the red head. My mind was starting to clear a little and I could now remember that they were all my friends minus the couple in their mid-fifties. I saw the girl with bright purple hair whisper something to Tyler before the two of them stood up and left. I frowned at that but quickly went back to my missing memory. Things were coming back, small bits and pieces but it was extremely confusing.

"Umm, well I'm Lily and we're best friends." As soon as the red-head said this memories came flooding into my head of a younger me and a young girl that looked a lot like the one sitting next to me. Information came crashing in as well. Lily Evans, hates someo0ne called James Potter, correction: is going out with him. She loves chocolate frogs and hates Bertie Botts. It fell like my brain was a blank canvas and someone just splattered paint all over.

I clutched my head, sorting out my newfound thoughts. Slowly breathing in and out, I shut everything out and concentrated on the blob of memories in my head. Slowly, the wave slowed down and I had all of my memories of Lilly back, some of which included the others around me. One memory in specific stood out. It was just the two of us together, we were rock climbing: a race to the top. All of a sudden memory-me fell and landed on the floor with her leg bent oddly and blood pouring from her head. Is this why I'm in a hospital? It must be.

Lifting my head, I slowly locked eyes with Lily. She was staring at me with a worried and guilty look to her eyes. "Lily Evans" I whispered. "Y-you know who I am?" I contemplated it for a moment, "Lily Evans. Born January 30th, 1960. Muggle-Born. Currently dating James Potter--who I assume is the boy holding your hand. In Gryffindor House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Loves chocolate frogs." Tears formed in both of our eyes, threatening to spill over, though we had grins on our faces all the same. Lilly walked over and hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad you're okay."

Right as she was sitting down, my brother and the girl came back in, this time with a woman in a lab coat and scrubs following. "Hello Jennifer, I am Dr. Sahngu, the doctor in charge of your recovery, and judging by what I've heard, you must be very confused." I nodded my head, "Extremely."

"To say it simply, when you fell you broke your right foot and part of your shin, though both are pretty much healed, and you hit your head extremely hard. Thankfully, only two parts of your head were damaged: the part for your memory and the part for your immune system." I digested this, it made sense, except maybe the immune system part. "Your memory should be back to all but complete in the next 24 hours. The damage to your immune system has just made that part of you weaker. This one is simpler, to prevent further illness stay on bed rest for 1-2 weeks, drink plenty of fluids, and contact with the least amount of germs possible." I nod, as do some of the others in the room.

"So, how much do you remember?" "I remember everything about Lily, after she introduced herself it came flooding back. I know his" I pointed at the boy with glasses, holding Lily's hand, "name is James Potter-" I was cut off by my own thoughts as they came flooding back into my brain, this time revolving around James Potter.

Information, pictures, information playing in my head like videos in a time-lapse.

This continued for multiple hours as I started to remember other people, places, events. It was as if somebody took the skipping stone that was my brain and skipped it across an ocean of thoughts and memories.

My brain was on overdrive. Re-learning and organizing everything. It was extremely confusing yet at the same time utterly satisfying, gaining all of my past memories. Though not satisfying enough to do it again.

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