Start from the beginning

"Hello, welcome to the Homo Hostel... Can you prove your identity?" the Siamese twins, both called Jean, slurred.

"Hi, wasted Jeans." Elton replied. "It's me, Elton!"

"Elton who?" one of the Jeans cried.

"How many Eltons do you know?" replied Elton sarcastically.

"Elton Castee, Elton Brand, Elton Dean..."

"No, it's me, Elton John!"

"Of course! Come in! I'm a big fan, I love your song Incense In The Breeze..."

Elton went into the house, but the interior did not match the exterior. Inside it was a mansion, with people walking around everywhere. Sir Ian McKellen swooped down the banister, leaping into Elton's arms. Elton accepted this as something that was happening and he could not prevent.

"Ian, now is not the time." Elton protested, putting Ian down with care. "I come bearing serious news, and gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh..."

Elton put his gold, frankincense and myrrh down on the table, and looked Ian dead in the eyes.

"David Cameron has turned against us! He's on a mission to destroy all gays!"

The entire room fell silent. Louis Spence stopped dancing in the corner, and that's when everyone else knew that something was wrong. All the gays gathered in the foyer, upon hearing the news.

"Look!" said Elton, turning the TV on to show his friends the news.

There was another newsflash; two more gays had been kidnapped – Ellen Degeneres and Tom Daley!

"NO!" yelled the gays in the foyer. Ellen and Tom were highly valued and loved in the community, and the news came as a shock.

"Do not fear." Said Ian. "Elton is here! He's going to save us all!"

"No, I am just an ordinary guy..." Elton replied humbly, taking off his purple tinted glasses to reveal that he was, in fact, just an ordinary guy beyond the hip, fresh, cool lenses.

Mr Frost emerged from the mist, riding on his widgeon (the widgeons are dabbling ducks in the genus Anas).

"I can help you. I know something about the Tories that nobody else knows..." Mr Frost said mysteriously. He pulled out an iPad and opened Cambridge Elevate. "Just wait for the widget to render, and you can see..."

Everybody crowded round, and once the widget has rendered, they all feasted their eyes on it, shocked by what they saw...



The alarms sounded, and the House Of Commons was put into lockdown. Elton, Ian and the squad were wreaking havoc, running around waving pride flags in the air and singing Dancing Queen by the legendary Abba.

A rogue Tory tried to escape the building, but that wasn't happening, not on Ian's watch; a Sekonda Men's Classique Mechanical Skeleton Pocket Watch that cost him 4000 vivos.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Ian yelled, his voice making the whole building rumble. The Tory did not pass.

"Okay... It's time." Elton said ominously.

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