Carbine's Answer/Somethings wrong with Emily-girl

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-Chapter 4-

-Throttle's Pov-

Me, Vinnie and Modo walked into the great hall where Carbine was always studying, I whistled and looked around, Vinnie and Modo stayed behind me, we looked round and round for the girl until we came across her standing in the corner looking out over mars from the large balcony, Vinnie gestured I move on but I didn't really want to go, I moved towards the doors and went out, she turned and shot me a look of pure horrid! Nice to know I'm loved...

"I know why you're here Commander" she spat

"Oh really?" I question

"You want to take Emily with you, correct?" she questioned sharply, her hand on her hip

"Yeah, listen Carbine, Vinnie will crubble, it's his little sister, his friend and his sibling, just let her go Carbine for his sake not mine" my voice was still it's smooth but slightly gruff self, " I just hope this works" my little self scolded mentally


-Vinnie's Pov-

"Sis!" I called entering the house to find it quiet, just the noice of a tv in another room, I followed the noice till I reached Emily's room, the door was closed and I could tell what she was watching, it was...hang on I'll get it...FRIENDS, I knocked on the door and no answer came, I knocked again and still nothing, I went in to find two sleeping mice, our Emily was curled into a ball slightly, with her knees touching a pair of familiar blue tight trousers and brown thigh bag, her arms were tight against her chest with her tail tipping the edge of the bed, a tanned arm draped across her shoulders, Emily had her joggers and pink hoodie on with the tanned teen still in his full attire pulling out big Z's, his head rested on the pillows and Emily's rested on his chest, I turned the tv off and pulled out her pink E blanket and spread it over them since they weren't under the quilt, Carbine had moved the leaving date till tomorrow night, so that gave Emily time to pack, I hope he hasn't told her she can go, Emily's face was red and so were her eyes I'm guessing the film they watched was a soppy one as the box was on the side, it red 'Letters to Juliet' so yeah it probably was a cry film, I left the room then heard a faint snore and popped my head back round the door to see his nose wriggle slightly as he moved closer to Emily making her silver/blondey hair fall infront of her shut eyes.

"Man they look cute" I heard Modo pipe up,

"Huh?" I jumped

"You heard me man, he likes her, she likes him come on it doesn't take an idiot to figure it out" he whispered, moving to the door and opening it slowly,

"Aw look at them, man I know just what to say to both of them if we fight" he laughed, raising his metal arm up and make a small camera pop out, he took a picture and turned it round to show me, I smiled and nodded, it's framing time!

-------------------The next day----------------

-Emily's Pov-

~FLASHBACK=night before~

There was a knock on the door around 7:30pm ish I had my joggers and my pink hoodie on, I went to the door to find a tall, handsome, tan furred, green shaded mouse standing in the hall with hie left hand on the other wall and his right on the wall next to him. What is he doing here?

"Throttle what's going on?" I asked

"Get your bags packed baby...We're going go earth" he smiled, his smooth voice held his full personality together, the shades he never removed, the black jacket, blaster knux, WOAH there Emz, slow down gurl you're over thinking AGAIN!

"What? No way?!" I tried to control my happiness but I couldn't...I hugged him tightly and invited him in after I broke the hug, I went to my room and packed the stuff I'd need, then soon after Throttle came in with a DVD.

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