"And why so.?"

"Oh detention as usual, but I escaped." He smirked.

"Why are you such a naughty guy in school? Why you always tease teachers so much?"

"Because it's fun."


"Ok now important thing that I want to tell you is I'll come to you house tonight at seven sharp and we'll go out for a movie," He said, convinced that I'll go with him.

"And why do you think that I'll go out with you?" I asked him.

"Because I'm asking, so be ready. You girls take a long time to get ready."


"I'll be at you house at seven sharp ok? Bye." He smiled to me and went away.

I really was starting to like him.

At seven he came to my house and we went to see movies as decided. After the movie we went to eat something. It was a really nice restaurant, but I don't remember the name. I think it's close now but it was really good. After dinner he dropped me off at the house in his car. Of course he has no license that time, but he had a drive. He dropped me off at my door.

"Good night, see you in school," He said as we reached door.

"I had a really nice time."

"Me too." He said and nervously slipped his hands in his pockets.

"Well good bye." I didn't know what else to see.

"See you." He smiled to me before leaving.

The next few days went as normal, the three of us shared the bus to school, used to stop for ice cream and Martin just casually played around. I never knew what was in Shea's head ever. She liked him too. One day Shea had a party at her house. Obviously I was invited so I went.

All of us were having fun and all. Her parents stayed in their room, giving kids space to enjoy. Martin came late with his friends. Shea went to him and scolded him for being later, he took it lightly and no big scene was created. Martin spent time with me most of the party as I didn't know many kids other than him and Shea and Shea was the host so...

I don't know if it was a dare or planned or if someone filled up Shea's ears but out of nowhere she came to me and started shouting at me. And you know how thirteen years old are, very sensitive. It was really embarrassing for me.

"Well what did she say?" Em asked me.

"She just started yelling."

(Flash back)

"You are such a bitch, you guys are dating aren't you." She yelled to me. My words didn't came out. I was embarrassed, surprised. Plus I was new, so everyone obviously took her side.

"You knew we have known each other longer and there's obviously something going on between us. But you had to get in between. I know you like him, so don't act like you don't know what I am talking about." I was almost in tears, my eyes were wet, everyone was looking at me.

"And you, you jerk. You kissed me last Halloween and now you are flirting with her." someone obviously filled her ears as a cruel prank may be. But also she was being a mean bitch too so. But again we were just thirteen.

What hurt me most was Martin's role in this. He knew I was all alone in that fight he left me alone and didn't say a word in my defense.

"I do like you, thats why I kissed you. And there is nothing going on here I swear, at least not from my side." He stepped away from me. Now you agree he is a jerk don't you? He was clearly flirting since first day and I agree there hasn't anything happened yet. But how could he just leave me alone like that.

I started crying and I just ran out. I couldn't bear to stand those looks. I don't know what got into Martin pear pressure or whatever but it was a shitty thing to do.

(flash back over)

"Well that embarrassment didn't last long. People forget as they grow. The heat came down in a month. Shea moved abroad with her parents I don't know where we never talked after that day ever. Martin too left for a year to study somewhere else. He forgot now I guess, he wasn't the one who took all the heat and was embarrassed. And you know the rest." I completed my story.

"Happy now?" I added and finished my burger.

"Well I wish were friends back then, I would have kicked their asses." Em said rubbing my shoulder, I smiled to her. I am happy now. I have great, honest and lovely friends now.

"I think he's changed, I haven't seen him with any girl now... Yeah I mean he's a friend of mine, I know he's not like that anymore he's a good guy." Joy was glued to his point.

"And Jen, its four years back. We are seventeen years old now. Grow up," Eddy said.

"Are you all done with the lecture? I told you the story, now I think we should head to our math class." I stood up before they could add anything up.

"Ok," Emily and Eddy said.

"Ummm you guys go. I'll move to library and get some sports magazines."

"Oh... c'mon man you are not going to miss the class again... everybody there will miss you!" Eddy joked.

"So tell everybody to miss their star for one more day... see you guys at gym. Bye." After that Joy left for library and we all moved to math.

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