"I dunno her name for sure. Laura, Lauren, Lori. It's something with a L." She told me, straddling the bleacher seat beside me. "But she's hot. Or so my girlfriend says. I mean, she knows about that group more than I do."

I was about to say something to her again, but the gym door opened and our heads turned in fear of who it could be. Although, my fear quickly subsided when I realized it was just Dinah.

"We should go." Donny whispered, grabbing my arm to pull me away.

I pryed her hand off of my arm and shook my head, "No. That's just my sister, Jane." I reached into the skirt pocket where my keys were and I grabbed my phone. I flicked up the screen to get to the flashlight and shined it on the bigger but younger girl. "You actually made it!"

Dinah nodded and started to walk towards us and I turned the flashlight off. But that's when I got a notification.

Ally: are u ready for us yet?

I hurried to lock my phone before Donny could see the messages and pretended to only notice Dinah when she was walking up the bleachers. "So, what's up?" She said in her normal accent.

I cleared my throat to signal her to do better on this plan. "Jane, this is Donny." I began speaking in my English accent. "Donny, this is Jane. My younger sister."

"Younger? No offense, Jane, but you look like an adult." Donny looked Dinah up and down and I could see DJ's fists start to ball up. She didn't want this girl to catch her off guard. "Are you a narc?" She joked.

Dinah flattened her palms and pressed down her skirt before taking a seat on a lower level bleacher. "No, I'm not. I just grew too much I guess."

"Damn, are you sure I don't know the both of you?" Donny said, getting up to slowly pace on the steps while talking to us. "I mean, the both of you seem so familiar to me."

I slowly reached into the other skirt pocket and felt around until my fingers were placed on the small wooden box. "Maybe we've met in a past life."

"Or maybe she does know us." Normani said, walking into the gym just as the school bell rang which would alert kids that lunch was over. Donny's head turned and this time she was a little more surprised by the person walking in the door. "Do you Donny? Think about it really hard."

"Who are you?" Her full attention was on Normani so I turned around to pull the box out of my skirt and start to fix the needle with the tranquilizer so I could properly knock out that grizzly bear and move on to step 2.

"Normani." She smiled, unbuttoning the top button of the dress shirt. "Damn. How does everyone wear this uncomfortable shit?"

"Is she with you two?" Donny said to Dinah. I could tell just by her voice that she was pretty freaked out by all the surprising moments happening to her.

"Kinda." Dinah responded.

A back door to the gym opened and Ally hollered out, "Dippity damn it, Lauren. When someone texts you, the nice thing to do is reply." Camila was walking beside the short girl, who were both wearing uniforms like the rest of us.

The needle was ready. I was just waiting to get Donny by surprise.

Donny looked around and finally her eyes locked with mine as I clutched the needle behind my back. "It is you. You're that girl that Cara talks about." That's when it all came together for her. "Wait, is this some sort of prank? Am I being punked by Ashton Kutcher or something?"

The girls and I looked back and forth at each other until I finally decided now was the time to make a move and finish this plan. I slowly got up from my seat with my hand held behind my back and gave Donny that wonderful Jauregui smirk. "Okay, you got us. We're Fifth Harmony." I looked back to the other girls and nodded. "She was a lot smarter than we thought, girls." I got up on the level she was and started walking towards her.

Souled Out ➳ Lauren JaureguiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant