Ch. 3: The Roses

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Hey everyone, sorry it took so long. Please Like, Comment(if you have ideas for chapters or wanna show me some fanart that I might feature please email me at rainbowunikitty36 RE: Beauty&Beast), and Vote.

Please enjoy, kittens!

      The next morning, The Kupa King was woken by a knock. He groaned permission to come in. One of his Kupas came in.

      "My Lord, the Lady Robin has requested your presence at breakfast this morning, and asks that you be up and ready in an hour." The Kupa said, bowing. Bowser cracked an eye open, looking at the Grandfather clock that stood across the room. 7:00 AM... He sighed, sitting up in the bed. He waved his hand in dismissal to the Kupa. He quickly left.

      Bowser stood from the bed, looking around the room, borrowed from the princess. It was decorated with blues and silver. It was a complete contrast, he thought, from the rooms of his castle. With warm colors, ranging from brown to red, along side gold. He sighed fondly, thinking of the princess. He shook his head. No, he thought sadly, she's far too young for me. Besides, no one loves a monster...

      He sadly readied himself then went to the room where he knew his son was staying, to ready him. As he approached the door, he heard an odd sound. Laughter... He raised a thick orange eyebrow in question and proceeded to press his ear to the door to listen. He heard two voices, that of his son and... Robin?

      "C'mon B.J., you need to bathe!" Robin squealed, giggling.

      "But Miss Robin!" He whined, "I bathed last night!"

      "B.J., you should bathe twice a day. Once in the morning once at night. Didn't your father teach you that?" She asked. Bowser flinched slightly. He'd never told him to bathe every day... he usually just let him be.

     "U-um... No... Daddy is usually too busy, protecting the castle and stuff... B-but that's okay! I-I understand that he's busy protecting me and my siblings, even if they are mean to me..." He said softly, followed by a sniffle. What...? He didn't they were mean to him... Bowser heard Robin gasp. He peaked in. She was holding him close, stroking his hair.

      "Shh, it's okay... have you ever told him what they have done?" She asked softly. She acts as if she is his mother... Bowser bit his lip. He wouldn't mind that...~ A woman as kind and beautiful as Robin, taking care of his children as only a mother can... and taking care of him as only a wife can...~ He shook his head. God, I'm such a pervert... He sighed and again continued listening.

"W-well no... 'Cause they threaten ta beat me up! Morton and Roy have beat me up before, and so have Wendy and Ludwig. But usually they just say mean things and make me feel bad... Lemmy and Iggy tease me and play tricks on me, and Larry will take my savings or my toys... He usually break my toys..." B.J. says softly. Bowser sees the princess lift B.J. out of the bath, making the water slosh around in the tub. She wraps him in a big, thick, warm-looking towel and hugs Bowser Jr., who's wrapped up in a towel that goes to his calves. "The worst is Ludwig and Wendy... They say words will never hurt you, but... they hurt the most..." He says softly. Bowser backs away. His poor son... He will punish the other children for this...


Bowser had spent the morning after breakfast out in the garden. Most of the flowers were closed. He found this odd. He knelled staring at a patch of lilies. 'Why do they not open...? Aren't flowers open during the day...?' From behind him came a sound that sounded like a dove's coo, though it was supposed to be a throat clearing. He bolted upright, twisting around to see who was there. No one at first glance, then he looked down slightly to see the princess. She was in her normal midnight blue dress, that hugged her every curve. It's snugness showed off her ample chest and wide hips, for someone of her stature. Her starlight hair flowed down over her pale, delicate shoulders and collar bone. She was wearing black lace gloves and held a dark parasol to shield her fair skin from the sun that threatened to tarnish and burn it's perfect surface.

"O-oh! Hello Princess Robin..." He could feel his tanned face heat up slightly as he bowed at the waist to her. He cursed himself for stumbling over his own words and for thinking such perverse things about the princess. She giggles softly, covering her mouth.

"Hello King Bowser, enjoying my garden? I apologize for the lack of open flowers, they all usually open at night. It's easier for me to come out then cause the sun burns me so easy." She hums, looking around. He looked around as well.

 'Ah, that makes sense. Don't want that perfect cream skin burned~. Ugh, what is wrong with me!? She's far too good for me...' He thought sadly, looking away from her. She looks at him and frowns. 

'Why does he look so sad...? I don't like that... He is far too handsome to look so sad. Gosh, I wanna kiss him! No, he might get mad at me and leave... What should I do?' She chewed her bottom lip gently as he mind raced. Then she got it. She gently reached out and took his hand. He jumped slightly at the unfamiliar touch of her cool tiny fingers in his hand. Bowser looked at her surprised. Robin just smiled kindly and started leading him through the garden. She lead him to a small greenhouse that was overgrown with ivy.

"I want to show you something special. They just started growing in the garden one day. I moved them in here to keep them safe." Robin told him. She let go of his hand, going in. He followed her in, ducking under the doorway. He was astonished to see the it was filled with roses that looked like they were made of fire. "They made me think of you, so fiery, so passionate and magnificent... I thought you'd like to see them..." She said softly, blushing lightly. He smiles softly, taking her hand again.

"Thank you, my princess. They're beautiful... almost as beautiful as..." He stopped, scared to continue. She bit her lip, wishing for him to continue.

"As...?" She urged.

"Um... You..." He said, barely above a whisper, not meeting her gaze. Robin smiles, brightly. This is what she wished to hear from him. She giggles, blushing.

"You think I'm beautiful... really?" She asks, stepping closer to him. Bowser is surprised by her actions. He simply nods, looking her in her dark eyes. The King is hypnotized by the depth of his princess's eyes as she is taken in by the fire in his. Neither notice how close they are until they're foreheads touch. Now Bowser is hunched down and she is on the tips of her toes. He gulps, glancing down at her lips, as if asking permission. She closed her eyes with a small nod.

So he leaned in, closing his eyes.

And stole a kiss... 

Her first kiss...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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