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I was standing in the boys locker room after school let out I was looking at Finns jersey I saw myself in the reflection of the glass and I saw what I have become I looked Down and let a tear escape from my eyes when I looked up again I saw someone else in the reflection
"Puck?!" I said turning around when I saw it was puck I ran to him
"Puck I need help" I said
"You need to help yourself" he said
"How" I asked
"What do you think you should do" he asked
"I think I need to stay here a little longer before I go back" I said
"Then that's what you do" he said
"But what if I try to kill myself again" I asked
"You won't I know you won't" he said
"Thanks puck" I said wiping my tears then he left I sat down on the bench then I saw a hand on my leg I looked over and Finn was there
"Finn how are you here" I asked hugging him
"I'm not really here" he Said
"Finn I miss you" I said
"I miss you to but you need to know that no matter where you are I'm here" he said
"How am i supposed to get over you" I asked
"Get over it but don't let go" he said
I smiled I new what he ment
"Why did you have to drive so fast" I asked him
"If it wasn't time for me to go I wouldn't have died" he said
"It wasn't your time to go" I said just
"Finn how can I see you you need to make me be able to see you all the time" I said just then Brody walked in
"Who you talking to" he asked I looked at him then looked where Finn was he was gone
"No one" I said
"I wanted to talk to you" he Said sitting down next to me I looked over to the corner and Finn was sitting there
"Why ar-" he was cut of
"I got over it" I said
"Really" he said
"I realized something looking at that jersey that he would want me to get over it but never and I mean never let it go" I said
"Are you ready to go back to New York" he asked
"No I'm not ready" I said
"Well I'm waiting for you" he said
"Brody can I have a minute please" I said
"Sure" he said got up and walked out
I walked up to the corner Finn was sitting at
"See you can do it" he said
"Only cause I know your here you know Finn I don't need to see you all the time just sometimes" I said
Then he disappeared

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