~2 years later~ (sorry about this but, I wanted to just have the new Knights to get there horses)

Night star galloped threw the fields as Sonic patrolled the entrance of the Village, the sun was high in the sky as another set of hooves joined him.
Shadow stopped beside his mate and looked around "anything?" Sonic shook his head no as they turned back to the village, they say Rouge and Knuckles run pass them on there horses to take there place. A black dog raced to the two hedgehog's as they put the horse in the stables. Patrols had picked up in the past few months waiting for Eggman's attack on Mephilis order. Midnight followed the two hedgehog's as they walked pasted the trainees house, a new Trainee had joined the one they did have. A red wolf stood with a female silver wolf with red streaks in her fur beside him and they raced to there mentors. The red wolf left with Jet and the other with Blaze.
"How's Ruth?" Sonic asked
Shadow spoke "I think she's gonna do fine, she also has Blaze to keep an eye on her" Sonic smiled as they continued to walk. Midnight raced forward and wagged his tail when a blue wolf came into view, he was making his way toward the mess hall while holding plates and forks.
"Hey TJ!" The blue wolf smiled as Sonic approached and grabbed half of the plates. TJ lives with Amy, Cream and Vanilla, since he's not that strong enough to be a knight he's a good healer and cook. When they reached the mess hall Sonic licked his lips as the smell of food hit his nose. "When's food going to be ready?"
"Not anything soon I'm afraid" TJ said with a smile and let out a laugh to Sonic's pout. Sonic left TJ alone as he walked to Shadow's side. The blue speedster froze as he turned to see Rouge and Knuckles coming back on there horses.
Before Shadow could speak Knuckles spoke "Eggman's army is coming!" Rouge raced by running towards the bell. The bell was rung and the Knights gathered near the entrance of the town to see the biggest army yet.
Mephiles appeared and spoke "Shadow take the archers to the top of the wall, the rest of you come with me" Sonic looked at Shadow's worried eyes before the cobalt hedgehog race to Mephiles's group. Brutus stood beside Jet this was his second battle and already he'd two scars that he wore proudly. Sonic looked to see Bolt, Lili, Rouge, Espio, Ruth and Blaze with Shadow as they made the way to the top of the wall that surround there home.
Mephiles stepped forward "we need to keep them out a much as we can" he look out a small peep hole. His eyes grew wide as he side stepped and a rhino plowed through the door shattering it to pieces. Brutus who didn't move in time raised he sword to meet the rhino's horn. It slowed down down, but still kept going forward. The blue hedgehog took a step forward, but a arrow whizzed by and planted firmly in the rhino's back and yellow sparks of electricity, danced over it's skin and he slumped onto Brutus, who threw him off with great effort. Mephiles's group ran as many arrows were shot there way. With a quick movement a few of the them lay cut in half, and landed at Sonic's feet. They had no choice, but to meet Sir Eggman's army. As the group walked out of the entrance, they saw arrows from there side hitting the enemy.
"Attack!!" The voice of non other then the Sir of rotten eggs himself yelled. The group stood there ground as Eggman's army advanced. The only thing that Sonic heard when the Chaos knights met Eggman's army was the clanging of swords and the whiz of arrows passing his ear.

Eggman's P.O.V. (Yes the egg himself)

Eggman grinned as he looked around the battle, he finally caught sign of the blue fur of Sonic. He turned to his best archer and pointed to the shoulder of Sonic's sword arm "this is what he gets for betraying my army" many of Eggman's archers pulled there strings back and fired.

Sonic's P.O.V.

The blue hedgehog swiped one of his foot out from under a black and brown fox as she landed on her back. Sonic payed little attention to the arrows as he dodged a blade that was aimed for his chest. He quickly sliced an arrow in half, but when he went to meet another attacker, pain flared in his shoulder. He turned to see and an arrow lodged firmly in his shoulder, a soft trickle of blood came from the wound. He fell to his hands and knees and everything seemed to stand still. No sound penetrated his ears and the battle field became blurry, the only thing he heard was a soft female voice speaking "it's time"

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