Chapter Four: Charlie

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Thank you guys for the reviews. I greatly appreciate it. This is just a filler and I promise the Ghost Asylum guys will return in the next chapter. I think Kenzie has all the proof now to finally ask for their help. Also I wanted to do something with her roommate, Charlie. He's a part of her life so he'll be popping up often. Enjoy and more to come. 


Chapter Four: Charlie

Her conversation with the old man was still lingering when she got home. She tossed her backpack on the floor next to the living room, her keys onto the end table and kicked off her shoes. She made her way through the small apartment she has called home for the last two years and into the kitchen.

Their was so much to process and take in. Her head was spinning and she was tired. She walked to the refrigerator and got herself a beer, twisting the cap off and took a drink. It was disgusting but satisfying.

"You are not going to believe what happened." She spoke aloud, grabbing another bottle of beer and closed the refrigerator door. "I had the pleasure of meeting ghost hunters. Mike decided he was going to call the ghost busters thinking it will help free Abby and the others." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Can you believe that? I nearly had a heart attack."

She walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. She placed the unopened beer bottle on the table and took another sip from the one in her hand. She sighed frustrated, passing a hand over her face and through her hair. She rested her chin in the palm of her hand and sighs again. "Than to top it all off, Casper the friendly ghost decided to pay me a visit telling me that I should let them help."

The air around her was heavy and breezy; a cool blast touched her cheek.

Kenzie smiled, looking around as far as she could make her eyes go without turning. No one visible to the naked eye. "He told me they can free the children."

The chair across from her rattled and slid to the right. The beer bottle in front of her moved closer to the edge of the table.

"And that's not even the worst part of it." Kenzie looked across the table, faded eyes staring back at her. A faint outline of a man started to materialize in front of her. If she didn't have the sight, she wouldn't have been able to see her 'roommate' appear. It's always fascinating to watch him do it.

The ache was still fresh in her heart. She sighs heavily blowing the hairs from in front of her eyes. If she wasn't tired, she would melt down and cry. Time was wasting away and she didn't really have a plan. Sure she could go with the ghost busters, she did tell Casper she would consider it before she left.

But the thought of rejection weighed on her mind.

She shook her thoughts away and looked at her friendly ghost: Charlie. He's been her 'roommate' since she moved in two years ago. He was here long before she was, she gave him the option to move on or they could coexist together. She wasn't afraid, in fact Charlie was a dear friend.

He was an older gentleman, Kenzie figured that he was in his early 40s: she never really asked him his age. His hair was dark and very short, almost military short and he had dark eyes. He was taller than her even in ghostly form and slightly on the husky side. He was a kind soul and she very much loved having him around. She even tried getting him to move on once but he wanted none of it. Through Charlie she learned that not all spirits want to move on. And she wouldn't want it any other way.

"Out with it lassie." He finally spoke. He reached his hand across the table and gently covered hers.

"What's this devastating news that has you in distress?"

Kenzie felt the chill go through her body and she shivered. "Mike. He is still planning to tear down Sunnyside." She looked across the table at Charlie and frowned. "Come Monday it'll be gone."

"Oh dear, that is troubling news. How can he do such a thing? Does he not know what will happen if he goes through with this? Those poor innocent children could be damned; trapped forever."

She shook her head. "Money is the root of all evil. He said he can't put it off anymore. He gave me two years to find a way."

"That weasel. I should haunt him until he changes his mind again, make him scream like a little girl." His energy spiked and Kenzie felt it. "How can he when you helped him speak to his sister?"

"Easy now. I don't need you becoming a dark one. Mike is doing what Mike does. I thought by showing him what I can do was going to be enough; give him a peace of mind with his sister. But I was selfish enough to think he wouldn't go through with it. His experience with the children was suppose to be enough." Kenzie fooled herself, blinded by her feelings that the destruction of Sunnyside Orphanage wasn't going to happen after Mike experienced the children.

Charlie calmed the rage from brewing inside. Right about now he wished that he wasn't dead, he could go for that beer. He hadn't had a beer for almost twenty years: oh how he missed it. "What are you going to do?"

Kenzie shrugged her shoulders. She didn't have the answers. "I...I'm not sure. I may have no other choice but to talk to the ghost busters and see what they can do. Maybe Casper is right."

She dropped her head into her hands. "I can't believe I'm even considering this." She muttered her words through her hands.

Charlie was to her side, cool air swirling around her. "Why don't you look into it, you have one of those contraptions that you can use to look up someone. What's it called: Goggles or something." He suggested. "And I'll go snoop...I mean see if I hear anything on my end."

Kenzie laughed. "It's called Google."

"Close enough. Google. Goggles. Sounds the same to me. You search and I'll go looking around. If I find something out I will let you know."

"Thanks Charlie."

With a tip of his head, he disappeared leaving a chill in the air. She sat at the kitchen table finishing her beer and drinking the other one before she went to her bedroom where her laptop was. Changing into her pajamas and moved her laptop to the bed. She made herself comfortable and began her search. It didn't take long to find them on the internet. Pictures. Small bios on Wikipedia. Clips from their tv show Ghost Asylum. Nothing that stood out from all the other ghost hunting tv shows that were out there. She clicked on videos and clicked on the first link.

"Might as well see what they can do?" She said to herself as the video began to play.

"We're the Tennessee Wraith Chasers. We're kicking down the doors in the most haunted places in America to trap the spirits that lurk inside. The key to catching a ghost is to combine modern scientific method...with some serious backwoods, Southern know-how. Because these things don't care if you get scared. We're a band of brothers, and we don't just hunt ghosts, we're out to become the first team to ever trap one."

Kenzie shifted a brow and pulled her laptop into her lap and leaned her back against the wall. "What is this, a joke?" She rolled her eyes and shook her head. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed heavily. This was going to be hard to digest watching.

Five episodes later, Kenzie was sucked in wanting to watch more. She needed more. She was intrigued by their way of methods for ghost catching and their hearts for wanting to help those that were trapped. Exposing evil spirits and trying to rid those places of the evil. She was slightly moved by their compassion.

"Oh lordy I'm sounding like a fangirl." She shut her laptop closed and put it off to the side. 

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