Two Badboys...- Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

"Wait, what do you mean in love?!" I whispered harshly, cheeks heating up as I glanced back at Jayden who was groaning and struggling to his feet.

Shae's familiar smirk was back as she met my mortified face, her eyebrows wriggling suggestively. I groaned in embarrassment, wanting desperately to be swallowed up into the depths of the earth at that very moment. I was completely ready to rip into her about how I was very firmly Not in Love with Jayden Ashfield when a heavy groan sounded from behind us. I glanced back, noting that Jayden was now on his feet, still slightly disorientated, while Lachlan was picking himself up from the floor. I mentally reminded myself to deliver Shae's lecture later when we got ourselves out of this mess.

I met Shae's steel like gaze once more and helped her to her feet. We slowly managed to stand, supporting each other heavily as our injuries caught up to us.

I surveyed the twins warily as they recovered from my attack, circling us like angry sharks.

"Who the hell are you?" Lachlan growled out, eyes angry at being knocked down. I hid a smirk as I imagined his reaction if he was to find out who I was.

"Are you little boys going to let us go?" called Shae, voice fierce and completely badass as she shot the two angry glares "Or are we going to have to hand your asses to you again?"

I watched the brothers sport matching scowls as they glared at us from their position a few metres away.

"Have it your way" Lachlan ground out, raising his fists in a fighting stance

I swallowed and mirrored him, Shae doing the same to my left and Jayden opposite me. I let out a deep breath, preparing myself for the fight that was about to take place.

Just as I was about to attack, a loud heavy boom echoed across the rooftop, stopping us all in our tracks.

My hair stood on end at the silence that ensued, my entire body on high alert.

Suddenly, clapping sounded from the steam behind the two boys and the silhouette of a figure appeared.

The brothers exchanged a look I couldn't decipher before dropping their fists and stepping slightly to the side.

"Very well played girls" a deep voice rose from the steam, tone low and teasing.

My mouth was dry as I watched with baited breath, the approaching figure. He finally reached the edge of the steam cloud, stepping out with confidence, revealing himself to be a tall, fierce-looking soldier, calculating eyes watching us with unveiled amusement, his lips pulled into a smirk.

I struggled to match his face to a name but to my chagrin, came up empty- I had no idea who this was. He nodded slowly, still smiling as if he knew something we didn't

"Quite a show actually, you managed to catch these two off-guard for once" he glanced towards to the two brothers who were stony-faced beside him before sliding his unsettling gaze back to us with a knowing smile "But I'm afraid this is where it ends. Because I have you completely outnumbered"

As his words registered in my confused mind, shadows from all directions began to emerge from the steam, forming a loose circle around both me and Shae.

I felt my hands drop as I realised with horror that he wasn't lying- he did have us completely surrounded.

Oh shit.

I shot a wary look at the hard-looking men that surrounded us. Even if Shae and I were in perfect condition, it would be highly unlikely, if not impossible, for us to fight our way through this many people. And if Lachlan and Jayden were anything to go by, these people knew how to fight. But with one of Shae's arms hanging like deadweight, and my side threatening to burst open at any given moment, I'd say our chances were about... -10? 

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