Chapter II

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*A/N: Hello again! How are yu all doing?...

Anyways, I'm going to try to finish this as a 'book' before I start on a different fanfiction. I know how it feels to be stuck with cliff hangers so yeah... Also I am SUPER sorry I haven't updated in a long time because I have been busy and feels like no one even knows this exists. Lol

ANYWHO! On with the story!*

  I quickly made my way out of the hallway, down the stairs, and out the double doors to the front. 'I wonder where I should go first?... "How about the library?!" I said excitedly to myself then covered my mouth abruptly. 'I need to stop doing that. It's not healthy...' I scolded myself and began walking to the building that seemed to be a library to my understanding.

  I reached the "library", still unsure if it was or not, and walked in. Sure enough it was the library. My eyes widened at the sight of it. It appeared small on the outside but on the inside it was massive. It had stairways leading downward to the under levels of it containing more books, computers, and tables with matching chairs. In the middle of the room stood the librarian. He had slicked back silver hair with the sides shaved, a long white dress-shirt with the sleeves rolled up just above the elbows, a grey vest with a black tie tucked into it, black khakis with the matching Oxford shoes, tattoos sleeve up his arms then you could see some more tattoos peaking out of his collar shirt area, a black watch on his left wrist, and rectangular reading glasses. He appeared to be reading MacBeth, 'He looks really young for having silver hair. Maybe he dyed it...". I walked up to his desk he looked up at me, put down his book and glasses then gave me a light smile. "My, my, aren't you quite the early bird I must say." He chuckled lightly and I could feel light blush creep on my face since I'm not much of a social person. "Ah, yeah. I'm new here, I transferred here for my freshman year." I smiled nervously while slightly messing with my jacket sleeves. "Really now? Well, I'm Mr. Dods. Nice to meet you... Err..." He reached his hand out towards me waiting for a response. "(Y-Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." As I shook his hand mentally face palming myself for studdering like an idiot. "Well, (Y/N), I'm in here from 7am-6pm for week days. On weekends it's 10am-3pm. Also, don't hesitate to ask me any questions as well. Okay?"
"Okay then, thanks!"
"You're welcome."
I smiled at him one last time and left the library.

My next planned stop was the school itself. I began walking to the main building through the front, as soon as I opened the front doors my eyes grew wide. 'This place is massive!... Good thing I showed up today and looked around. I'm definitely getting lost tomorrow...' The room was a marble white complete with the marble pillars, the carpet was red with golden trimmings that had a ropey-like design to it. The walls had paintings and awards showing this was the type of school to raise Ivory League students. There was a large staircase in the middle of the room leading to the 2nd level. I walked up to the stairs while looking at the statues and pottery. I glanced up at the ceiling to see a giant chandler the size of one of those Smart Cars Inspector Gusto drove around in the Pink Panther movie.

I walked up the stairs and decided to check out the left hallway first. I walked down the hallway and saw the classroom doors, they were solid wood and white with no windows so I couldn't peek inside. The walls were the same shade of white with delicate golden pin designs only visible in the light reflection giving it a soft glow, the carpets were the same as the ones in the front entrance, and the numbers of the classrooms were hanging like signs pointing outwards so it makes it easier to navigate the halls I'm guessing.

So far there's 2 wings for each subject. The first floor was for the 1st and 2nd year students. The 2nd floor was for the 3rd and 4th year students. Then I walked back out to the front, it was sunset close to night fall but I still wanted to explore. Time sure does go by here. I decided to head back to my dorm, half way there I saw a guy with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and black pants with a green shirt. Kinda cute but I don't have time for boys, I NEED to do good here. This is my dream school, "I WILL GRADUATE FROM HERE IF IT KILLS ME!!" Then the blonde stares at me. I could feel my face heat up so I put my hood on and quickly walked back to my dorm.

*~Time Skip~*

  I walked back into my room, I locked the door behind me and took my shoes off at the door. I decided to take a shower next. After my shower I quickly changed into my (f/c) PJ's and surfed the interwebs for a while.

  I looked at the clock, it read 12:45. 'I know it's like 2 more days till school starts but I should get into a sleeping pattern.' With that, I turned off my laptop and crawled underneath my (2nd f/c) covers. I was thinking of what to do tomorrow and unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

*A/N: As yu can tell I'm lacking serious inspiration and also I'm still going through some tough times. I will try to write more frequently now. That's all for now. Bye-bye, my lovely readers!*

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