Question Eight

699 27 16

From tauruskid.

Okay exchange a deep dark secret no one knew till now;)


Ronan: I watch the Real Housewives Of New Jersey.

Adam: What???

Ronan: I'm shitting you. Jesus. I don't have any secrets.

Adam: Of course you do. Doesn't everyone?

Ronan: Not me. 

Adam: Whatever. I'll go first. Umm.....

Ronan: I'm gay.

Adam: I said I'd go first. Secondly, we're supposed to be telling deep, dark secrets.

Ronan: As if you knew.

Adam: You suck at hiding things, Ronan. You had actually said you liked me.

Ronan: As a bro. 

Adam: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Ronan: *hits Adam's arm* just fucking go already.

Adam: Fine. I don't know if this counts, but I write. At least I used to. Like, adventure stories, supernatural stories, things like that. I would actually write some of you guys into them, you know, as supporting characters.

Ronan: What was I? 

Adam: The resident asshole. 

Ronan: Well, whatever. Alright. Sometimes.... I have dreams about Gansey or you dying. Recurring dreams. And it fucking sucks when I'm trying to take something from a dream and you or Gansey show up, covered in hornets or blood or night horrors. Or all of the above. And the possibility of it scares me a little. A lot. 

Adam: Oh?

Ronan: Now you fucking know. *storms out*

Adam: Ronan! Come on! It's not bad. Ronan.... ugh.

Author: um..

Adam: What I said wasn't that personal. There are things Ronan doesn't need to worry about.

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