Chapter 21

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'Haldir....what do you need me for?' I asked curiously, since he pulled me aside last-minute.

He played with his thumbs, as if he was incredibly nervous.

'Well....' He muttered.

He took a deep breath. 'If this war is ever over....will you accept my hand in marriage?'

I widened my eyes, as he took out a necklace, made out of pure-jade, the most precious jewellery throughout the entire elf-kingdoms.

'I-I....' I stuttered, feeling horrible. 'I can't accept this, Haldir. I'm sorry, my friend.' 

His eyes clouded with sadness, but he still gave the necklace to me.

'I-I'm sorry. To have embarrassed you, My lady' He muttered.

I looked away, and handed the necklace back. 'It's alright...we're still friends'

He pushed the necklace back to me. 'Have it then, as a token of our friendship'

I smiled, and embraced him, before heading to the boat.

'Did anything happen?' Legolas asked softly,reading my expression and held my hand, out of sight from Gimli.

I shook my head, showing a sad smile. 

'Nothing. Nothing at all'

As Legolas started to row the boat, the voices of elves echoed through the forest, wishing us luck on our journey.

I turned to the side, to see Galadriel looking upon us, giving us a wave.

Is the prediction true then, Galadriel?

You can see it too.

He will go his own way?

He has too, you know that.

I will tell him that I know.

Wise choice, Sapphire.

With a slight grin, I closed the telepathy connection between us, and returned to my surroundings. Soon, all of us saw two great statues, the Aragonath, the kin of Aragorn with their right hands facing outwards, as a sign of warning. I shot Aragorn a bemused smile, since he always longed to see these big statues.

'It's always a wonder to work with these children, don't you think?' Legolas stated, smiling too.

'Without a doubt' I agreed.

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