Where He Turned

978 21 24

When Light arrived at the building he felt a sudden urge to pee. He tried to keep it in as this was possibly the time when he would finally meet- or speak to- the infamous world’s best detective, L. The urge got too intense so cursed under breath and trudged reluctantly to the toilets.

He walked into one of the cubicles and started unzipping his trousers when he heard the familiar sound of his ringtone. Just when he was about to pee.

“Great,” he huffed in annoyance before realizing what this meant. He was about to talk to L, who is indefinitely on the other end of the blocked number. He smirked, pressing down on the answer button, all thoughts of peeing washing away from his mind.

Suddenly he heard a little buzzing in his ear. His heart shot up to his throat. Bees! He hated bees. Those vile, merciless little creatures. “Shit!” he said loudly, trying hard to swat the bee away from his perfectly kempt hair. The bee went around him to the back and Light twisted around, swatting like his life could end at any second. His arms banged against the cubicle, the sound echoing around the room.

And then the bee decided to crush any hope that Light had, and flew underneath his shirt.

Gaahh! Get out! He felt the furry layer of the bee brush against his back and the pointed poison filled part stung him. 

If you dare stick that in me again I will murder y- can you not see I have important business to attend to?

Light slapped his arm and heard the dying remnants of the bee buzz in its last remaining seconds before it fell to the ground. He cringed at the sight of the writhing bee.

And then he remembered why he was here. He looked down at his phone. His face became pale and his heart stopped beating. He had probably accidently pressed the speaker when her was trashing around.

“Well it seems like Yagami-kun is busy at the moment,” a filtered voice at the end of the line said, “I shall contact you when you have finished your… business.” The line cut and Light could feel his face heating up. What he thought he had said in his head, was actually said allowed. He had suddenly realized what he must have sounded like.

A ping sound from his phone informed him that he had received a message. He opened it and found instructions to a place. He stepped out of the cubicle. Standing in front of the mirror, he fixed his hair, his clothes, and his face. Then he was ready to finally meet L.


L didn’t know what to think after the incident on the phone. He tapped his pale white finger on his chin. Light Yagami was gay? It didn’t make sense. All those girls he dated in his university… But Yagami-kun was never really interested in them was he? He would go out with multiple girls at a time. That meant he wasn’t serious about it… right?

L was completely oblivious to these aspects of life. He decided not to ponder upon such matters too much. It didn’t make a difference anyways, whether he was gay or not. L didn’t know why he was so interested in Light’s sexuality.

Instead, he decided to go over his plan once more; however, his mind drifted off to Light’s perfect hair. He brought his hand up to pat down his own hair but knew that it was of no use. He ran his fingers through his ebony hair and got stuck halfway through. His hair would never compare to Light-kun’s.

He sighed. He had sent the message approximately 4 minutes and 26 seconds ago. He looked around the cinema room and the big screen that would play the video.

Suddenly he had an unexpected thought. His eyes widened. His head automatically turned to the small camera embedded in the wall, hidden from view.

 He got up from his crouched position in the seat and dragged himself to the camera and picked it off. He sat back in his seat waiting for Light to arrive.


L wasn’t at all like how Light imagined. Light had thought that he would be more… professional. When he first entered L had smiled at him. And that smile had widened and become a little… creepy. Light, however, kept is cool demeanor and walked to L. 

“Greetings Yagami-kun.”

Light nodded in greeting. They shook hands, all while L was still smiling… or smirking. Light couldn’t tell. It looked very unnatural. L pulled out a wipe and cleaned his hands, his eyes on Light the whole time. Light clenched his teeth.

There was something intriguing about the way L looked at him with his onyx orbs. He then went to sit down.

“Sit down Yagami-kun. You’ll get tired standing there all day,” L said sitting in a strange way. Light sat down, keeping a one seat gap between them.

“There’s no need to be shy Light-kun.” He moved to sit in the seat next to Light.

“I’m not shy,” Light finally said.

“I won’t bite.” Then he finally decided to put the video on.


L thought about what it would be like to bite Light. He imagined how his skin would even feel under his touch. L half-stood in his seat and turned, now sitting while facing Light.

His face was so close to Light’s. If he just stuck out his tongue it would touch him. L wondered if Light would taste sweet. However he pushed that thought away when he smelt the bitter flowery scent of his moisturizer.


L’s face was so close to his. Light clenched his fists, his teeth grinding together in anger. What the hell was L playing at? Was he even L?

 Light wasn’t even sure if this was the famous detective. Had he just fallen into a trap? What if this was just an actor like Lind. L. Taylor?

Suddenly Light felt queasy. He would not suck up to such behavior towards him. He was Kira. The god of the new world.

He snapped his head to the right. Pain coursed through his face. His hands shot up to his nose. He was sure he heard it snapping.

Why did L’s face have to be so damn close? Now his nose is probably broken.

The pain was too much. He felt himself falling off of his seat and tumbling on the ground. His lip bashed on the metal holding the seat down with a ruthless force. His screams could now probably be heard from miles away.

His eyes became watery and blurred, but he was sure he noticed L’s face hovering over his own.


Light certainly did not look beautiful or perfect anymore. His wailing had become too undignified. L sighed. The sound was becoming very annoying now.

“Light-kun, please cease your wailing as I am finding it difficult to think,” he said in his monotone. Light-kun had not heard him.

L decided that there was only one way to stop him. He grabbed Light’s hands from his face and pulled it away, forcefully pushing down on the ground beside him. He brought his left leg up and put it on the other side of Light’s torso, so as to straddle him.

Then he crashed his lips onto Light’s. At first Light tried to get away but after a while he relaxed. L pulled away.

Light-kun’s crying had finally subsided and his expression turned surprised. He blinked a few times with his glistening eyes that were still filled with tears. L brought his face down to Light’s until their noses were nearly touching. Light-kun looked extremely endearing.

L brought his thin skeleton fingers to Light’s face and trailed it down his cheek, to his chin, then to his neck, and finally to the first little button securing his shirt together.

His fingered circled the button before he grabbed both sided and teared it open, the buttons scattering everywhere. He looked down hungrily at Light’s bare chest. He moved down to his trousers and the actions that followed this part of the event remains a mystery to all.


I hope you enjoyed

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