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As a child,
I wanted to be a vet,
A teacher,
A doctor,
An astronaut,
A princess.
I wanted to be so many amazing things.
I wanted to help people.
I wanted to be a good kid.

As a teenager,
I want to be a writer,
To be an artist,
To be liked.

My list has shrunk since I was a child.
I don't even really know why.
It just.. Happened.

As a kid,
I loved to play outdoors and hang out with my friends.

As a teenager,
I'd rather stay home,
To not be judged by what I do,
How I act,
How I dress,
How I am.

As a teenager,
I'm different,
I know things nobody should,
I've gone through things,
That NOBODY should go through.

As a kid,
I trusted people,
I saw the best in them.

As a teen,
I isolate myself.

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