Chapter Two

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"Ey, Morris! Get up!" Oscar yelled, standing over Morris's bed and shaking him. Morris groaned as he opened his eyes. "Weisel wants us handing the newsies their papes again today."

"Great. I get to see Jack again." Morris complained, yawning and stretching his arms. He pulled the sheets off his body and dragged himself out of bed.

"I know. Just give him his papes and ignore him. Then it's all good and you can go see Katherine." Oscar said.

"Yeah. I like that idea." Morris blushed at the sound of her name. Then, both brothers got changed and went out to the building to hand the newsies their papes. Race was the first one to arrive for his papes. Oscar instantly jumped up and ran to the window. They smiled and chatted at each other for a while, then Oscar handed Race his papes. They smiled at each other one last time, then went their separate ways. Oscar sat back down next to Morris.

"Uh...Oscar?" Morris asked curiously.

Oscar turned to Morris and tried to hide his smile. "Oh. Uh. Hey, Morris. How are you?" He replied, blushing.

"Whaddup with you and Race?"

"Nothin'." Oscar's smile faded. Morris gave him a look as if he knew it wasn't nothing, then glanced at the window.

"Okay...Oh, great. Here comes Jack." Morris sighed, walking over to the window. "How many papes for today, Kelly?"

"The usual, Delancey. Then I want yous to stay away from Crutchie, arright?" Jack spat.

"I only tried to help him up."

"Sure. Just stay away, or I'll soak ya."

Morris felt himself fill with anger as he threw the papes at Jack. He glared at Jack as he walked away, then finished handing papes to the other newsies with Oscar. After all the newsies received their papes, Weisel dismissed the Delanceys from their shift. Both brothers exited the building and began to roam the streets of New York.

"Ya know, I don't get why we can't just be friends with them." Morris blurted out, letting his anger take over. "Sure, we's got a higher job, which is nice, but we ain't got any friends."

Oscar glanced at Morris. "Morris, we soak em. That's why they don't like us."

"But I don't wanna soak em. I'm tired of bein' the bad guy, ya know?"

"So am I, Mo. But we's will always be the bad guy to them. They don't wanna be our friends."

"What about Race? You's seem pretty friendly with him."

"It's nothing."

"No it ain't, Oscar. I saw something there."

"Just drop it, okay?" Oscar exclaimed angrily, almost yelling at Morris. Morris froze and stared at his brother with wide eyes. "Sorry, Mo. I didn't mean to shout."

"It's fine..." Morris said softly. But on the inside, it wasn't fine. Morris didn't like Oscar keeping secrets from him, but he didn't want to force the secrets out of him. He sighed and began to start walking again. They walked in silence until Morris saw Katherine talking to someone in the distance. Morris smiled, but it soon faded away when he saw who she was talking to. Jack. Katherine looked annoyed, and Jack wouldn't leave her alone. Morris left his brother's side and ran over to Katherine and Jack. "What's going on, Kat? This jerk botherin' you?" Morris glared at Jack.

"Well..." Katherine started.

"I ain't botherin' no one, Delancey. I was just gonna ask pretty face here to have dinner with me tonight." Jack interrupted.

"No you're not! I don't want to go to dinner with you!" Katherine said, annoyed at Jack.

"Her name isn't pretty face, Jack. It's Katherine. And I want you to leave her alone." Morris ordered. Oscar caught up to them and glared at Jack.

"What are you gonna do if I don't, Delancey?" Jack said, trying to make Morris angry.

Morris clenched his fists. "Oh you don't wanna know what I'll do, Kelly."

"Hey, Mo. Calm down." Oscar said, motioning to Katherine, who was scared that Morris would get violent.

"I ain't scared of yous!" Jack laughed.

"Just stay away from her, okay?" Morris ordered.

"Okay." Jack said, putting his arm around her. Katherine tried to push him away and Jack laughed.

Morris felt himself fill with anger as he charged at Jack. He pushed him away from Katherine and knocked him to the ground. "Stay away from her! She doesn't even want you around, anyways! So just leave her alone!" Morris yelled, glaring at Jack. He held up his clenched fist and was ready to punch Jack.

"Morris! Stop it!" Katherine shouted. Morris turned around and stared at her. He felt the anger drain out of him as she ran to help Jack up. "Get out of here, newsie." She said to Jack softly. Morris watched as Jack ran away.

"Kat, I'm sorry. I can't control my anger sometimes." Morris apologized. Katherine's eyes looked after Jack until he was out of sight. Then, she turned towards Morris.

"It's okay, Mo. I understand." Katherine replied, faking a smile. For some reason, even though she was annoyed with Jack, she wished Morris hadn't pushed Jack away.

" was wanna grab dinner later?" Morris asked nervously.

Katherine stared at him in silence, unsure of whether to accept or not. "Sure..." She eventually replied.

"Great! I'll meet you at Tibby's then? At seven?" Morris grinned happily.

"Sounds good. See you boys then." Katherine replied. She waved, then walked away. Morris turned towards Oscar and blushed. Oscar laughed and patted Morris on the back.

"Yous just got yourself a date with Katherine!" Oscar congratulated.

"She said she'll see both of us later. It ain't a date." Morris replied.

"Hey well I have somewhere to be tonight, so yeah, it will be a date."

"You ain't comin'?"

"Nah. It'll just be you two."

Morris grinned, then both brothers began to walk back to the house.

"Hey, Oscar?"


"Where are ya goin' tonight?" Morris asked.

"You have fun on your date tonight, Mo." Oscar said, avoiding the question. Morris glanced at Oscar, wondering where he was going tonight, but quickly shook it off.

"Thanks." Morris replied. He blushed again, filling with excitement and anticipation with the thought of Katherine in his mind.


A.N. - Yay chapter two!! Kind of drama-ish yet still happy. I'm saving the feels for later *mwahaha*. I told you the story would get so much better. I'm just not good at beginnings. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment! Love you all!

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