"Oliver!" yelled Serena as tears poured from her eyes. She pulled him into a hug and Fred and George realized they should probably leave the room. "Oh I had the most horrific vision."

"Serena, baby, it was just a nightmare," said Oliver as he stroked her hair.

"No, Oliver it wasn't, it was so real. I'm so scared. They have my mother."


"Yaxley and Dolohov."

"Dolohov?" asked Oliver. "That Death Eater with the wanted posters everywhere?"

She nodded her head and tried to choke back her sobs.

"Serena...I really think that you just had a bad dream..." he said looking into her eyes. As he spoke he realized that it wasn't just a dream. There was real fear in her eyes.

She shook her head. "It was real. They wanted me to see it. They wanted me to know that they have her. Don't you see? This is what they want! They want to torture and take away everyone I love. First my father, now my mother...Oliver...I'm scared you're next."

"Don't say that," he said.

"But you are! If I don't turn myself in they'll never stop. They want me. The only way to keep everyone safe is to turn myself in."

"I won't let you do that Serena," said Oliver. His voice is now stern and serious. "They'll have to get through me first if they want you."

"You've done so much for me..."

"And I'll risk my life for you Serena," said Oliver. "I'm serious."

"I know...I just think life would be easier for you if –

"Serena. Stop. You are my life. Let's just try and calm down and be rational about this for a minute," said Oliver. He sounded worried, but yet calm.

Serena wiped away tears from her cheek.

"Where would you even go to turn yourself in? What good would that bring anyone? You really think your mother and father would want you to do that? They're doing what they're doing now to protect you. They want you safe, just as much as I do. Please, just think about that."

"But I put you in danger every day," said Serena.

"You aren't doing anything I'm not aware of," said Oliver.

"But what about my mother?" asked Serena. "They have her. They're torturing her, to find me."

"Serena...you don't know if that's true. You can't rely on just a vision. Maybe the Death Eaters wanted you to see that."

What Oliver was saying made sense, but she didn't want to believe it right then. She just kept picturing her poor mother's face and it brought more tears to her eyes.

"Let's get you something to eat," said Oliver as he got out of bed slowly. He took Serena by the hand and helped her out of bed.

"You're so beautiful," he said as he kissed her knuckles. She couldn't help but smile.

They entered the kitchen and Fred and George were sitting there pretending that they weren't listening to their entire conversation.

"So how did you sleep?" asks George nervously.

Serena rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Just fine George," she said as she reached for a teacup. "Thank you Fred for lending us your room."

"You're welcome," said Fred. "Stay as long as you need to...and if you need to change the sheets feel free."

Serena and Oliver rolled their eyes and George chuckled and pretended to be reading the Daily Prophet.

"Anything new in the news?" asked Oliver as he sat down at the table across from Fred.

"It's just the same old shite they've been spewing for the past couple of months," said George as he folded up the paper. "The minister thinks the ministry is stronger than ever and no one can overtake them. But yet, hundreds of people are leaving their jobs every day."

"Leave it to Scrimgeour to pretend that nothing's wrong," said Oliver. "While he's sitting around doing nothing people are being imprisoned and dying."

"They won't do anything about that," said Fred. "They're too worried about themselves."

Serena took a sip of her tea not really listening to the conversation. She was too worried about her mother. Oliver just didn't understand how real her dream was. She didn't think that this was the Death Eaters trying to pay a trick on her. She felt like this was real.

"Okay so I'm just going to come out and ask," said Fred breaking the awkward silence. Serena didn't realize everyone was watching her. "Since when are you two engaged?"

A smile broke across Serena's face as she looked down at the Ruby on her finger. "He proposed a few weeks ago."

"Atta boy!" yelled Fred as he stood up and slapped Oliver on the back.

"Took you long enough," said George.

"I was just waiting for the right time," said Oliver. "I figured now would be a good time. Focus on the good in life, instead of the bad, you know?"

Serena smiled, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"All right enough of this gross stuff," said Fred standing up. "We've gotta get ready to open the shop."

"What are you two up to today?" asked George.

Oliver shrugged his shoulders. "Just laying low."

Serena sighed. She was beginning to grow tired of hiding. Oliver looked at her and knew how she felt, but he just wanted to keep her safe.    

This is War (The Quidditch Pitch 'Three'quel) An Oliver Wood Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon