Staying Safe

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"MAGGIE!" yelled Serena as she pulled her old friend into a hug. "Where have you been? Oh my God! I haven't seen you in years!"

"Dumbledore asked me to help out," she said. "Of course you can come and live with me! Anything to keep you safe."

"Come in, please, make yourself at home," said Serena. Maggie took a seat next to Dumbledore and no one really spoke because no one knew what to say. Serena wanted to desperately catch up with Maggie but she felt it wasn't appropriate with Dumbledore here.

"I can't stay for long," said Maggie. "I have to head back to the States, but here's my address. We're connected to the Floo Network, but if the Ministry gets infiltrated I wouldn't risk it. You may have to travel the way Muggles do. Airplane, or whatever.

"Unfortunately, we are at war," said Dumbledore standing up. "I have lots of business to take care of and I have to meet up with the Order. We'll be in touch Miss Carrow – but you need to be prepared to leave at any minute. I would pack the essentials and be prepared to make an immediate escape."

"You mean we won't be leaving today?" asked Serena.

"Oh no, not quite yet," said Dumbledore. "It's too risky right now, but as soon as we understand more of the Dark Lord's plan, we will contact you immediately. But for now, lay low. No more Quidditch. It's not good for you two to be the center of the media."

Serena felt as if Dumbledore had just told her that her family had died. Taking Quidditch away from her was like taking a part of her soul. She knew that Oliver felt the same way.

"What do we tell our teams?" asked Oliver.

"It's already been taken care of," said Dumbledore as he headed towards the door. "I must be going. Please don't contact me by owl as they might be intercepted. Especially don't use Blizzard. If you must use an owl send Beaky. Contact me by fire only."

Serena felt like she had a million more questions to ask but Dumbledore had disappeared out the door. Maggie stood up and looked like she was about to follow even though Serena did not want her to leave.

"How are you?" asked Serena awkwardly. She hadn't seen Maggie in about two years now. She didn't even know that Maggie had moved to the States.

"I'm well," she said. "I live in a flat New York City. Or – an apartment – as Americans call it. It's the perfect place for you to hide. There are so many people that you would easily be overlooked."

"That's great," said Serena as she forced a smile. She didn't want to move to the States. She wanted to stay here in London with her family. "How's your job going?"

"I actually quit my job with the Ministry," she said. "I'm going to college in New York...just to get a Muggle education as well."

"That sounds like something Olivia would do," said Serena. "Do you like it?"

"Oh I absolutely love it," she said with a huge smile. "It's fascinating. should also know that I've met someone...and he'll probably be around a lot when you come to visit."

"Really? Who?" asked Serena excitedly.

"His name is Josh...and he's a Muggle..."

Maggie looked at Serena not sure whether or not she would freak out. Yes, Serena didn't have much of a problem with Muggles, but she wasn't too keen on the idea of Muggles and Wizards mating. It was just how she was brought up and she just didn't understand it too much."

"That's – uh – great," said Serena.

"It's weird, I know," said Maggie. "But, I met him at school and I'm absolutely in love. But, don't worry. He knows about magic and he knows about You-Know-Who. Dumbledore came and explained everything to us."

This is War (The Quidditch Pitch 'Three'quel) An Oliver Wood Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora