Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

Annalisa glared at Brett. "First of all, who says it's a man?" she countered icily. "Second, who's to say him or her will even choose to be a Hero at all? They could show up and join Destructo. I'm sure he's a smooth enough talker to convince some new active to join his cause."

Brett retorted, but Milo didn't hear it. He was focused on Xander, still sitting in Devon's empty chair. The guy was fidgeting enough to power a light bulb with a kinetic generator. His leg bobbed up and down like the flutter of hummingbird wings. Xander's eyes were nervously darting around the room. Clearly the discussion that Mr. Hanson had made him uneasy, but Milo couldn't imagine why. It had nothing to do with him. He was jerk, sure, but Xander wasn't the one that Destructo was talking to during that broadcast. He had no real reason to be so nervous. At least not any more nervous than anyone else in the world.

Unless it wasn't the discussion at all that had unsettled him. Much to Milo's chagrin, Cali had been spending a lot of time with Xander since he'd first arrived at Buckland High. She had mentioned somewhat off-handedly a few days prior that Xander was acting off somehow, distant. Milo had shirked off the comment without really thinking about it at the time. Xander had always struck him as being a little off. He just figured Cali was finally coming around to his line of thinking. But now Milo could see a change in his demeanor. Normally and expert at acting aloof and apathetic to the universe, Xander was now a ball of nervous energy.

First period ended without Milo even realizing time had passed. He was so focused on Xander that the fifty minute class had only felt like five minutes. All the students in the classroom got up from their desks and made for the door, still arguing heatedly about whatever topic they had ended their debate on. Cali was waiting outside the door, whether it was for him or Xander, he wasn't sure.

"Hey, guys," she said happily as they both exited the room at the same time. "How was class?"

Xander mumbled something in audible and Milo didn't answer at all. They turned and moved back down the hall towards their next classes. Milo reluctantly broke off from the others to retrieve his Geometry book from his locker before the tone signaling the start of second period chimed. When he arrived in class minutes later, Xander was already seated in the back corner of the room as always, but his demeanor hadn't changed a bit. He didn't seem to notice anyone else as they entered the room. Milo took his seat in the same row as Xander but three desks ahead just as Mrs. O'Brien entered the room in her typical flustered manner.

The rest of the day passed by much the same way that Milo's first period had. He couldn't focus on anything his teachers were saying. All he could think about Xander. When he couldn't directly look at Xander without being remonstrated for not paying attention, he bent his every thought to what could possibly be causing Xander's behavior. The best he could come up with was that Xander had also possibly activated and had felt Destructo was talking to him. That didn't make sense, however, as Milo knew full well that he was the one that had put Devon Macledowny in the hospital, and Destructo had directly referred to that in his broadcast.

During their lunch break, Milo, Bill, Cali, and Xander sat around a table in the cafeteria. None of them spoke as they ate. Even Bill and Cali couldn't help but focus on Xander's constant anxious movement. They would exchange glances between the three of them here and there, but no one knew what to say.

"Xander," Cali said finally, "we can tell something is bothering you. Want to tell us what's wrong? We're your friends."

Milo rolled his eyes inwardly. It was easier to go along with Cali's notion that they were all good buddies, but he and Bill both could sense something off with Xander since day one.

"It's..." answered Xander, eyes darting to each one of them in turn. "It's nothing. I'm just nervous for Mr. Hikalis's test later. That's all."

That seemed to pacify Cali, though Milo had no idea why. It was common knowledge, even among the teaching staff that Mr. Hikalis's tests consisted of all essay question, all of which could be answered with any information a student wanted whether it pertained to the question or not, and they would still get full credit so long as they wrote enough. No one was ever nervous for those tests. Bill and Milo exchanged knowing glances as Cali packed up the remainder of her lunch and stuffed it back in her book bag.

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