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"I like my coffee the way I like myself;dark,slightly bitter,and too Hot for you."

Full name:Logan okumura


species:"well if I just tell you now that's no fun is it!"

Gender:"I'm of the male species"

Appearance:Logan has dark colored hair with light brown blondish highlights. Logan has ice blue eyes and pale skin,due to his paleness he turns red when embarrassed or fustraited very easily Turing him into a tomato. Logan has almost no control what so ever of his abiltly when angry or stressed his eyes turn a dark color.

Personality:Logan unlike his best friend aspen is pretty calm and relaxed. He kinda keeps to himself at times but lights up at the simplest of human things as if he wasn't let out around the world a lot as a child or exposed to simple earthly thing. For example he dose not really know or understand video games....not to add the first time toast popped out of the toaster it kinda startled him though he's adjusting better...sorta...he tends to smile more often. He's more open once he get to know you then he's happy and funny and tends to cause trouble weather he means too or not. Logan seems to keep to himself though he's been that way since his mother died this makes it hard for people to get to know him due to the fact he refuses to open him self up easily.


relationship status: won't admit it but he's crushing so freaking hard.

likes:sleep,drawing,painting or anything that has to do with art what so ever.COFEE

dislikes:annoying people,yelling , being lectured, ladybugs...yes for one reason or another he hates them you would think they've done something to him.

allergies:bullsh*t,stupidy-lets just say the human saves time dosent it?


Aspen is odly enough Logan best friend despite the huge difference in personality even more surprisingly despite Aspen child likeness he acuttaly keeps Logan out of lots of trouble.

-Okumura- Logan's father. They have a some what strained relationship do to the fact Logan only ever listened to his mother. But then agian other times he seems to have a great relationship with his dad though Logan dosent exactly Remeber it as a child his father was caring toward him and he went almost everywhere with him which is one of the main reasons why he has a better relationship with his father five then sixteen.

aniloves_ his grandmother. But the way she talks about him you would've never guessed. He always sees her as crazy. reffering to her as a crazy old woman seeing she's even turned him five before.

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