“I take it,” he said with determination.

I raised an eyebrow. “You sure you don’t want to read the terms and conditions before accepting?”

“No. I take the offer.” He stated and I nodded. If that was the way he wanted it then it was fine with me.

My phone rang and I gave an annoyed glance at the caller ID before my face broke into a smile realizing that it was Maggie.

“Hey sweetie,” I said raising one finger at Jordan in a sign for a minute.

“Daddy!” she whined and I almost laughed.

“What is it now?” I asked trying my best to sound strict. After getting a lot of grief from mom and Katie about how soft I was with Maggie I was trying to be stricter with her.

“I want the new Toy Story toys!!” she whined and I sighed. That girl and her demands.

“What did grandma say?” I asked and there was silence on the other side.

“Mags,” I said in a soft voice. “You should listen to Grandma. If you’re a good girl then she might just buy you the toys. You know that I have no say in the matter. You’re a grown up girl. Are you going to cry for every small thing?”

 “No,” she said in an adamant voice.

“Good. Now be a sweetie and try to be a good girl for Daddy alright?”

“Yes I will,” she said and then added, “I love you Daddy.”

“Love you too sweetie,” I said as she cut the call. I turned around to see Jordan standing in the same place but with a grin on his face.

“May I ask as to what’s so amusing?” I asked and his smirk widened.

“For a guy who looks all business you sure are a softie,” he smirked and I miserably failed to glare at him.

“Shut up kid. She’s my daughter.”

“You’re married?” he asked in a shocked voice.

“No. Adopted daughter.”

“Wow.” He said and I didn’t even bother asking him what that was about. I held out my hand for him. He took it in a surprisingly firm grasp.

“Well Mr. Jordan Port welcome to the business.” I smiled as he grinned. I could see his made up demure façade fade. As he left I was grinning as I knew that I had a success in my hand.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I entered the building to find Jordan sitting there. He didn’t have a recording until after two days. The first few jingles that he did turned out to be very successful and I was probably more happy that him.

“I need your help.” He said in a serious voice.

“Did you get yourself into trouble kid?” I asked wondering why in the world he would need my help.

“No, No…” he protested as if the mere thought appalled him. “My sister wants to see me recording.”

I raised an eyebrow.

He saw my expression and hastily said, “Look my sister doesn’t believe that I actually got a job that pays me so well. Almost as much as she makes. She thinks I’m into some drug selling thing or something. I really need to show her that I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “But only once. Bring her at your next recording.”

Jordan jumped up and fisted the air, making me laugh. As I walked into the studio I got a call.

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