"Where's that guy, I'll kill him!" Mason says angrily.

"Calm down big bro, it's not like he knew that would happen," I say.

"Fine, I'll calm down," Mason replies. There is a knock on the door.

"We'll get it," Matthew replies dragging Mason with him. They open the door, I go to see who it is. Shoot, it's the golden boys.

"Who are you guys?" Jace asks a hint of harshness in his voice.

"Who are you?" asks Mason.

"Okay, that's enough," I say. They walk in.

"Are you like their boyfriends or something?" Jace asks. Is that jealously I hear, I'm probably just hearing things. I did hit my head pretty hard after all. Everyone starts bursting out laughing. The golden boys look at us confused.

"They're my brothers," I say. I see Sam let out a breath of relief. Looks like someone has a little crush on Jenna. My brothers are very overprotective, and can be very intimidating.

"So why are you guys here?" Jenna asks.

"We were hungry, so make us some food," Chris orders.

"Who do you think you are ordering our little sister and Jenna around?!" Matthew asks angrily.

"We can because they are our slave," Sam replies.

"What?!" Mason and Matthew ask.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you that," I reply. I tell them the whole story of how we became their slaves.

"You punched him nice!" Caleb says. Everyone gives him a look, and he shits up.

"They sure are jerks," Nicole whispers in my ear. I nod my head in reply.

"Now can we have dinner? asks Alex nicely.

"Fine, I was making it anyway," I reply. I head to the kitchen to get to work. I can just sense the hate waves coming off of my brothers. Jenna, Lia, and Nicole help me in the kitchen. We make Alfredo pasta Jenna and I's favorite.

Caleb is standing there awkwardly. While he is watching the showdown, going on between my brothers, and the golden boys. "Could you set the table?" I ask the boys. They all nod their head, still watching each other very closely. They all start searching for the utensils, and plates.

After an hour, we are finally done cooking. We all sit down to eat. "This tastes amazing," says Caleb.

"Thanks," all the girls say. There is an awkward silence at the table. I clear my throat to break the silence.

"So how's school?" I ask Mason.

"Good, very stressful but good," he replies. He is in his first year of college.

"How about you?" I ask gesturing to Caleb.

"Probably still a troublemaker," Jenna replies rolling her eyes.

"Am not!" Caleb says. We give him a look. "Okay, maybe a little," he replies. We all laugh at that.

"What about you Nicole?" I ask.

"Really easy, not much homework," she replies. She is in 8th grade, in the middle of Junior high.

"How about you Lia?" I ask.

"Pretty chill, I just have a few more credits until I graduate," she responds. She is in her senior year of high school.

"How's you job Matthew?" asks Jenna.

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