chapter 1

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(The morning Master Chief is left behind.)

Sitting in the Pelican, I wait for my team, blue team, to join me. I sit on the floor, taking apart my assault rifle, cleaning it. The marines watch me as I do this, for they know, these same hands can snap a neck like a trig. I hear the distant foot steps of blue  team as they come on. "Master Chief, sir." Kelly says. I nod, putting the butt on the rifle. Pulling the shaft back, it click's into place. Looking the rifle over, seeing it is to my liking, I place it on my back, standing. "Blue team, check." I say. "104" "058" "087" "043" "051" they say. "Master Chief." I turn, seeing Captain Keyes. He waves me over, I turn from blue team, walking to hem. "I have a solo mission for you. Before your team nukes the place, gather all the information you can." He says, handing me a downloading chip. I salute "I'll do what I can." I say. He nods, walking off to the base.

I walk on the Pelican, activating my suites external speakers so all can hear me. "Alright, listen up. Captain Keyes gave me this order, for me alone. I'm sharing this so you'll know the plan. When we get there, Kelly, give me fifteen minutes to go in and download the information that Captain Keyes wants, if I'm not out by then, I don't care. I'll send what I have to you and just nuke the place. Understood." I say. "Sir, yes Sir." Blue team says.

The Pelican takes off, the thrusters humming as the pilot brings her about. Holding on to a hand hold, I activate blue teams private comm. "Check your weapons, we'll be going in hot. Will, you have the nuke." He nods, startling the marine beside hem. To them, it looks like we're just nodding heads or waving our hands for no reason. "Uh...Master Chief, how are we doing this." A marine asks. Turning to her, I look at her " You'll stay within the Pelicans range, in case y'all need to evac. Blue team and me will handle the Covanent." I say. She nods "Understood Sir, forgive me." She says. "No need to apologize, you just wanted something cleared up." I say, going to turn back to Blue. "I hope they don't destroy Harvest. It's my home." She says. I look over at her, sighing and I go over.

Kneeling down, I look the marine in the eye. I may have the nasty, upbeat, don't give a shit about no one attitude, not true. I care for those who are under my command. "Look" seeing the name tag Sullivan, "Ms.Sullivan, I can't say I know what your going through, but if it comes down to that, I'll stop the Covanent with anything and everything I've got." I say. Sullivan looks at me, a tear falling. She wraps it away "Thanks Chief" She says. I nod, standing and grab the hand hold. Fred key's in "Softy" He says, the others laughing. I give hem a pointed look, he shut's up. "Thought so." I say, Linda snorts a laugh.

We get to the drop zone in thirty minutes. Holding up a fist, blue team stops. Winking my green light, we move out.

(Time skip)

We get to the facility, elites almost nowhere. [Not that fortify.] Linda says. [None the less, keep an eye out.] Kelly said, crouching beside me. Turning to everyone, pointing to Linda and Kurt, I point to myself. Their acknowledge lights wink green. I slide down the hill, decking the elite that happened to be there. Crouching, I slowly make my way to the base, several elites falling due to Linda and Kurt.

Slowly walking into the facility, I go to one of the terminals. Taking out the chip, I begin downloading the data. [Chief, how much time.] Fred says. [I need five.] I say. [Chief, we don't have five.] Kelly says, sending me a data burst. I see elites surrounding the facility, I make the decision. [Will, nuke the place. I have what I need.] I say, taking off. [We'll give you a few...] [No, nuke the place now.] I say,running past a door. I spare a glance in, the image I see, I will never forget.

I see an infant girl, she's hooked up to a machine. I rip the tubes off [Master Chief, the nuke is armed and coming.] Linda said. I grab the infant, running. Bursting through the door, I'm thrown to the ground by the blast. Ears ringing, I slowly get up and painfully begin walking towards the Pelican. I hear it's engines fire, I comm, blue team. [Blue team, come in, stop the....] static greets me. I watch as the Pelican enters the atmosphere. Looking down at the infant, I smile, yes smile, as she reaches for me. Nuzzling her hand, I head to the mountain's.

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