Kyoya x Reader "Kyoya's Crying!?"

Start from the beginning

"(Y-Y/n) is my girlfriend..." We all look at him with extremely shocked expressions "why would she date you!? She has more common sense than that!" Madoka grabs my arm "calm down's obvious that Kyoya and (Y/n) are in love, ever since she told us she has had a boyfriend she's been way happier than she has ever been, not to mention what you're saying right now isn't making Kyoya feel any better it's just making him feel a million times worse"

I look at Kyoya and he's trying not to freak his shit "I'm sorry Kyoya...."

"K-Kyoya!?" Every stands there shocked at what he did


The Kyoya Tetagami is hugging me and he's crying
This isn't the Kyoya I know....
He's really hurt from this experience
He's afraid of losing (Y/n)
And he's scared because he doesn't have any idea where she is
Only I know where Ryuga lives and he knows that
Therefore he needs my help

"I'm sorry Gingka....I try to be strong and act like a jerk to show people I'm tougher than I look...I grew up in a neighborhood where I wasn't wanted...wasn't like....and I was a nobody who was made fun I'm known as the scariest person on the streets.....I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you...but please...just because I'm a terrible person doesn't mean you can't help me find (Y/n) she means to world to me! Don't punish her for my arrogance!"

"Alright Kyoya we will help" I hug him into my arms and pet his hair "I promise"

Ryuga Pov
"How do you like your new home?" I smirk at the girl I took from the bey stadium "my boyfriend will never stop looking until he finds me and you will be in a world of hell you psychopath!" I smack her across the face again "shut up and be a good bitch or I will shut you up permanently!" She looks away with tears in her eyes "was it necessary to tie me up?" I laugh at her stupid question "yes of course do you think I'm that stupid!? Why would I leave you untied? If I left or went to sleep then you'd just get up and leave"

Damn this girl is so fucking annoying

"Your boyfriend won't come for you, one he doesn't know it was me, two if he did he doesn't know where I am"

(Y/n) Pov
Kyoya will come for me...I know he will..."he will come for me Ryuga he knows who you are"

Ryuga laughs again "how the hell does he know me? I'm not known by many besides Gingka, wait a minute.....are you dating that red headed cry baby?" I just sighed "no I'm not dating Gingka" he gets closer to me "good because if you were dating him I would do this"


He kicked me in the gut super hard
Damn him for wearing military boots
I could taste blood in my mouth and I saw him laughing when the blood from my mouth dripped down my chin "wow for all talk you break as easy as a twig you bitch" this man is pissing me off big time "my boyfriend Kyoya won't go so easy on you" he stopped laughing then gave me a look of fear "D-Did you say Kyoya? Kyoya Tetagami!?" I nodded barely staying conscious

None Pov
Ryuga would never admit it but he's terrified of Kyoya
The lion bey user is Ryuga's biggest fear deep down inside himself
"Fine if the kitty wants to play then let play" Ryuga says while (Y/n) passes out from being hit so many time in so many different places

Kyoya Pov
"Ryuga open up the damn door or I'll come in there and beat your ass for stealing my girl!" Gingka puts a hand on my shoulder and I calm down slowly "alright I'll try not to lose it..." I mutter to Gingka "good...we won't get answers from Ryuga if he knows that this is hurting you..."

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