Another Meet and Great

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(Text messages)
Hunter: hey baby girl u up
Me: yes what's up babe
Hunter:well u know how we meet and the meet and great
Hunter: well I am going on tour again and I was wondering if you want to go
Me:well of course I do
Hunter: OK we leve tomorrow morning at 4am to head to the air port
Me: OK why don't I ask my mom if I can just stay the night at your house
Hunter: OK bc my mom won't care
(Asking her mom)
(Conversation mom and Briana)
Me: mom can I spend the night at hunters bc he wants me to go on tour with him
Mom: yes u can just call me every day
mom :your welcome
(Back to the text)
Me:I can go and I can spend the night!!!
Hunter:OK I will be there at 2 to pick u up
Hunter: OK baby girl I love u I am so happy I have u
Me:aww baby I love u to
(End of text)
OK so it is 1:40 RN I get dressed and I pack my suitcase and I hear a knik on my bedroom door it was hunter and he told me to pack my swimsuit I grab it and then we leave my room and we walk down the stairs. We walk out to the car and Brandon is going Ashton is goi g as well this time (skip the car ride) we just got to the airport and we are getting on the plain now (skip the plain ride). We get of the plain and we get are bages and we see this these two boys and I guess hunter knows them

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