The Past (xMedic) (xSniper)

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Who's the chick?"

"That 'chick', happens to be moi girlfriend Scout"

"Hahahaha! So is this the lass ya been blabbin' aboout?"

"Well don't just keep the lady standin'! Git her a chair!"

And with a bustle, the men got up and pushed the poker chips out of the way and made room for you.

A dark man with an eyepatch came back with an armload of liquor.

"I dinn' know what ya might like, so I decided I'd just bring me entire collection!"

And with a roar of laughter the men cheered and set the table with potato chips, nachos and guacamole and of course, the liquor collection.

"So what's your name girlie?"

"It's (Y/n)"

The men gave a hoot and some were giving a playful punch at Mick, telling him how lucky he was.

As the time went by, more men joined in on the small party, and Mick never took his eyes off of you the entire time.

The sun had almost set, and the men had finished introducing themselves.
Scout, Spy, Heavy, Engineer, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman.. and of course, your boyfriend was 'Sniper'.

The men were wondering where their last friend went, and you were pleasantly buzzed by the liquor by that time.

You stood up for some water when Mick's friends laughed.

"Well look who's late to the party!"

"Aw Medic man we were just tellin' this joke-"

"Sniper brooought his ladyfriend!"

The men burst into laughter, and Sniper grinned, draping his arm around you and looking down at you fondly.

The man stepped in, and he walked up to you.

You both stared at each other.

"Doc! This is (y/n)! My girlfriend!

The man looked down at you. His round glasses and neat hair suggested that he was a scholar, and the blood stain clothes he wore suggested he was a scholar of the medical field.

It was obvious.

And it wasn't even the blood stains that gave it away.

The man looked down at you, appalled.

"Jour.. girlfriend"

You nodded.

"Yes, I am his girlfriend"

Sniper laughed and lead you over to the rest of the group.

"Haha, he ain't much of a talker love, you'll have to excuse him"

You smiled weakly and let Sniper lead you back to the group of men.

Medic walked out of the room.


You excused yourself to the bathroom, and the rest of the mercenaries were pretty drunk.

"Aaayyeeee... ya got yourself a fine lass there Snipes...!"

"Hell yeah! She's freakin' awesome!"

A small thud suddenly interupted the men.

Engineer gave a sigh.

"That bird really needs to settle down"

"Yeah, or Archimedes'll build a nest on your sentries again!"

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