Chapter One

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That was what the mighty titan felt as his systems started to come online. The grinding of metal met his audio receptors as the door to his resting place opened. Navy blue optics opened blinking a few times before taking in the rocky cavern before him. His optics landed on a familiar sky blue, silver, and red mech.

"Ultra Magnus"

The deep rumble came from the titan as a black, white, gold, and red ped stepped forward into the rocky cavern. The other ped followed and stopped beside its companion so that the mighty titan stood outside of the large tomb that had been his resting place for eons.

"You have awakened me commander. What reason is there for waking me? Surely our world is still not capable of holding life."

Ultra Magnus let out a vent as he looked up at the mighty titan.

"No, our planet is still a barren wasteland." A frown creased the titan's features. "My reason for awakening you is that this planet, as well as its inhabitants are in danger much like Cybertron was. The Autobots number only a few now. We need your help titan. We need your help once again."
Ultra Magnus looked up at the mighty Autobot in front of him.

"Hmm, I will not let this planet suffer the same fate as Cybertron. You have my help commander. However, there is no way for me to hide on this planet now that I have awoken." The titan said.

The corners of Ultra Magnus's lips twitched upwards. "Mighty one, that is where you are wrong." His servo gestured to his ship known as Iron Will. "Scan my ship as your alternative form and then you will be able to easily hide amongst the rest of us." He said.

The titan looked the ship over before his systems scanned the ship. He crouched before leaping into the air using the powerful springs in his peds. The sound of metal splitting and reforming into another form were heard as he transformed into a replica of the airship. The only difference was his color scheme which was mostly white and red with black and gold detailing here and there.

His engines fired up as he shot through the caverns at breakneck speeds. A deep and mighty laugh came from him as he felt the freedom of flight after eons of rest. He flipped and rolled doing impossible stunts through the canyon. Eventually he made his way back to Ultra Magnus where he transformed landing on the ground with a large thud. His landing made the ground shake and crack where his fist had hit the ground. He stood up from his crouched form and nodded approvingly to Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus returned the gesture with his own nod. "Follow me."

He climbed into his own ship and launched into the air heading north. The titan transformed following Ultra Magnus.

"The Autobot base had been destroyed but we have found a new one. Optimus doesn't know that I have awoken you and I wish to only reveal that information when it becomes absolutely necessary. I will take you to the downed Decepticon transport known as The Harvinger." Ultra Magnus said through the comlink.

"The Harvinger? You mean the one me and the rest of the Aerialbots shot down eons ago?" The titan said.

"The exact one." Ultra Magnus said.

Ultra Magnus and the titan flew in silence until they reached the broken in half transport. Ultra Magnus landed his ship while the titan transformed landing beside the Elite Guard Commander.

"Inside you will be able to access the human database. There you will be able to find more about the native of the planet." Ultra Magnus said walking towards the transport.

"Commander, why exactly will you not tell Optimus Prime of my awakening?" The titan asked as he followed the commander inside.

"I do not tell our leader because if the other Autobots hear then somehow the Decepticons may learn of you." Ultra Magnus said as he walked into one of the rooms.

The titan nodded after ducking down to enter the room. "I see how it would be beneficial that the Autobots not learn of my presence here on this planet." He said glancing around the room "However, I wish to see Prime once again. He must have a knowledge of me or else when the time comes he may never trust how I came to be awake once again." The titan rumbled.

Ultra Magnus nodded "I shall fly back to base and lead him here. I shall not be long." He said making his way out of the room and out of the Harvinger.

A sigh escaped the titans mouth as he walked to the monitor. He began to search through the life forms network systems. 'These organics are not so different from us' he thought as he continued to scan through the database.

He wasn't sure how long he was looking through the database when Ultra Magnus's voice came through the comlink once again "We are approaching the Harvinger." Was all he said.

Making his way outside he wondered how Prime would react to him, he was sure that Prime thought he was long dead just as most of his other combiner friends were. Stepping outside he saw Ultra Magnus facing a larger, stronger, and bulkier mech that looked like Optimus Prime, but more robust.

"Optimus Prime." The name rumbled from deep within his chest.

Turning his helm Optimus looked at the titan, his eyes widened just slightly "Superion. Never did I think I would see you again old friend." Optimus said with a small smile on his faceplate.

"Neither did I Prime. When Ultra Magnus woke me from my long period of slumber, I had hoped it was because Cybertron was once again livable. Though since he had informed me of the situation and I would be honored to help once again against the Decepticons." Superion said.

Optimus nodded with a grave look on his faceplate "We hoped this war would never last this long but I'm afraid it has. I fear that humankind would become slaves to Megatron's evil doings if we did not fight. However, we fight in defense of this world and its inhabitants." Prime said.

Superion nodded his helm "I agree with you Prime. However, I do not think that my presence should be revealed yet. Only in our desperate hour shall I present myself."

Optimus nodded "I respect your decision but this indeed is our darkest hour. Megatron has revived a Predacon. He has only one but I fear he may find a way to revive more." The Prime said.

A rumble came from the titan "A Predacon, I have not encountered once since my battle with Razorclaw and his followers." Superion had a distant look gleaming in his optics.

"We need your help in stopping the beast." Optimus said making his way to the titan.

"If this Predacon is like those that I have fought, it is no beast but intelligent just as me or you. They are strong, stronger than most Cybertonians. However, they sometime tend to have physiological disadvantages." Superion said thinking back to his fighting days.

"Even so this one is larger than the ones Megatron had sent after the Aerialbots." Optimus said.

A sigh escaped the titan, it was so long ago that he had fought. He wasn't sure that any of his weapons still worked, though he had a feeling they would even without him checking. Optimus waited keeping his eyes on the titan as if studying him.

Finally with a slight nod the titan spoke "I shall join you in battle Optimus Prime, the war of the titans shall  start once again, this time, Earth our battlefield."

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